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Fehers Discipline Plan

My discipline plan will have a baseball theme to it. Strike 1 Warning Strike 2 Note home with parent signature. Strike 3 Phone call home with possible parent conference. If the school does a Fun Friday, student will not participate. Student will write a letter explaining what they did wrong, and how they plan on correcting their behavior. Youre out Principal gets involved.

*This would be the letter I would send home for Strike 2. I would make it into a half-sheet of paper.*

Date: _______________ Dear Parent or Guardian,

This is a notice that _________________

was misbehaving in class today. Teacher Comment: ________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Please sign so I know you have been made aware of this notification and have child return tomorrow. Signature: ________________________________ Thank you, Mr. Feher

In the Ballpark
Strike 1
Rick Josh Sarah Dave Allie


Strike 2

Strike 3

On a section of the board, I would have Strike 1, Strike 2, and Strike 3 as above displays. Under the In the Ballpark section, students would have their own baseball with their name on it. In the Ballpark means they are doing everything as expected. When they misbehave and receive a Strike 1, students will move their baseball under the Strike 1 headline. The same idea applies for Strike 2 and Strike 3.

For Positive Behavior

For positive behavior, students will receive: -Caught Being Kind notes. On these notes, it will explain what the kind act was along with the teachers signature. Students are to give these to their parents. - Positive notes home from the teacher. These notes are to let the parent or guardian know that their child has been doing well in the class. - Students will receive positive affirmation from the teacher.

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