Students Can Move Their Clip Up or Down A Chart If They Are Positive and On Task They Can Move Up

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Garretts Behavior Plan

Students can move their clip up or down a chart; if they are positive and on task they can move up. Hooray!!!!! Im doing great!!!
First move: Move: Second Move: Third

Fourth/Last Move:
The treasure box is a reward for getting on the highest color. In the treasure box, there will be a wide variety of goodies.

Class bucks are our reward system. Once every month, we will take time away from class instruction and class mall will be open. There will be prizes that students can pay for. Things may range from a toy to a set of coloring utensils. There may be fuzzy posters or various other toys. ll will be priced at a reasonable amount to promote students positive behavior. They can also earn class bucks if they are outstanding during specials, are e!tra

helpful around school for any reason, helpful without being asked, etc. Class bucks can also be taken away if the students are bullying other students, being disrespectful to anyone or class supplies, misbehaving during specials or any other time outside of class. "f a student is constantly on step two after a # or $ days the conse%uence would escalate to a parent contact and if need be a referral to the office.

Uh-Oh I need to rethin! "hat I have #een doing$

First Move: Second Move: %Lose &ecess' Third Move: %(a)) Home'

Fourth/ Last move: (Office referral)

I "i)) try to send a *ositive note home +or any student "ho e,ceeded e,*ectations$ I rea))y )oo! +or"ard to a great year "ith you and your student$ Sincere)y

Ms$ -arrett

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