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WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Scissors and Elmer's glue (or glue sticks). NOTE: These notebooks can be printed on regular paper or card stock, but I think regular paper actually works better! These notebooks use a simple origami trick, and are very easy to make. Begin by cutting away all the white area around the outside of the notebook. Next, fold the right half of the piece under so you see only the front and back cover, and two pages above them, as shown in Figure 1. Carefully cut along the top edge of the front cover to separate it from the page above it (but stop in the center of the folded piece and dont cut between the back cover and the page above it) as shown in Figure 2. Now unfold the piece and fold the row of four pages under so you just see the front and back cover, and two pages to the right of them, as shown in Figure 3. Fold the outside panels (the back cover and the far right page, which is page 2) upward and flatten them over the front cover and page 1 as shown in Figure 4. Flatten the two outside panels back out and this time fold them down and under, flattening them against the center pages (which are pages 4 and 5), as shown in Figure 5. You should now be able to grasp the back cover in one hand and page 2 in the other, and push them in towards each other, collapsing the front cover against page 1 and collapsing page 4 against page 5, as shown in Figure 6. Fold page 1 down to page 2, and fold page 4 down to page 3, so you have a shape like the one shown in Figure 7. Now fold the back cover underneath and flatten it so you have a shape like the one shown in Figure 8. The notebook is usable at this point, but to be fancy you can now glue the blank white insides of the page panels together, and trim away any white edges that might remain. And there you have ita finished 6-page notebook. Its the perfect thing for all your necronominote needs.

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