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26th Annual Delta Phi Croquet Tournament

Benefiting Avalon
Saturday, March 15th from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The Sunken Gardens
!G"ST #T"$% #%& '#(M!%T )*10+person, due -y 7:00pm Thursday !ar"h #$T% . the &elta 'hi house )/30 0krop 1ay, Team 2aptain: 'hone 3: $r5ani6ation )if applica-le,: 'referred 2addy: 'referred Tee4Time )mornin5, early afternoon, late afternoon,: Time)s, that cannot -e done )mornin5, early afternoon, late afternoon,: !ach team 7ill consist of four or fi8e mem-ers 7ho 7ill -e5in at the same time )play is 30495 minutes, 7ith the help of a &elta 'hi caddy. # T4shirt, refreshments, and raffle tickets for pri6es from local -usinesses are included in the price of re5istration. Team captains 7ill -e contacted 7ith their team:s tee4time on Thursday, March 13th. #ll proceeds 5o to #8alon: # 2enter for 1omen and 2hildren, 1illiams-ur5:s only emer5ency shelter, 7hich pro8ides shelter, support, and empo7erment to 7omen and children 7ho are sur8i8ors of domestic 8iolence and se;ual assault. Team %ame: !4mail:

T'(hirt (i)e &ame

*( ! + ,+ in -omen.s si)es/

0undraising addresses
*+etters to friends and family often raise the most funds for Avalon1/

"f there are any <uestions, please contact: #ndre7 Shelton: )/5/, =/949>0>,

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