Republic of Djibouti: Gabuutih Ummuuno (Afar) Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti (Somali)

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Republic of Djibouti

Gabuutih Ummuuno (Afar) Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti (Somali)


"a$ic act$
Capital and largest city: Djibouti Official languages: French and Arabic Demonym: Djiboutian Area: 23,200 km2 Population: 792,198 Climate: Desert, Torrid, Dry Terrain: oasta! "!ain and "!ateau Ethnic Groups: #oma!i and A$ar Main Religion: %s!am Currency: Djiboutian Franc

Djibouti %ille
Gufa %olcanic ield

#emi&'residentia! (e'ub!ic
) President: %smai! *mar +ue!!eh ) Prime Minister: Abdou!kader ,ami! -ohamed

Legislature: .nicamera! hamber o$ De'uties udicial !ranch: #u'reme ourt Legal "ystem: mi/ed !e0a! system based 'rimari!y on the French ci1i! code 2as it e/isted in 19973, %s!amic re!i0ious !a4 2in matters o$ $ami!y !a4 and successions3, and customary !a4

Minor "ac'(round
The French Territory o$ the A$ars and the %ssas became Djibouti in 19775 6assan +ou!ed A"T%D*7 insta!!ed an authoritarian one&'arty state and 'roceeded to ser1e as 'resident unti! 19995 Djibouti occu'ies a strate0ic 0eo0ra'hic !ocation at the intersection o$ the (ed #ea and the +u!$ o$ Aden and ser1es as an im'ortant shi''in0 'orta! $or 0oods enterin0 and !ea1in0 the east A$rican hi0h!ands and transshi'ments bet4een 8uro'e, the -idd!e 8ast, and Asia5 The 0o1ernment ho!ds !on0standin0 ties to France, 4hich maintains a si0ni$icant mi!itary 'resence in the country, and has stron0 ties 4ith the .nited #tates5 Djibouti9s economy is based on ser1ice acti1ities connected 4ith the country9s strate0ic !ocation and status as a $ree trade :one in the 6orn o$ A$rica5 Djibouti has e/'erienced re!ati1e!y minima! im'act $rom the 0!oba! economic do4nturn, but its re!iance on diese!&0enerated e!ectricity and im'orted $ood !ea1e a1era0e consumers 1u!nerab!e to 0!oba! 'rice shocks5

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