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SAP IS-U/CRB Training Vijay Gunti Contact details : gvijjay g!ail"co! #in$edin Pro%ile : www.linkedin.

com/in/vijaygunti/ Course Content:

&" Utilities Industry 'vervie( 1.1. De-Regulatory Market 1.2. Unbundling 1.3 Introduction to MI and !mart "rid )" Introduction to SAP IS-U 2.1. ! # R/3 $%% &verview 2.2. $'tended R/3 Integration Model ( ! # I!U 2.3. ! # I! Utilitie) com*onent) 2.+. I!U/%%! Integration Model 2.,. Relation between R/3 and I!U %om*onent) 2.-. .y*ical I!U !cenario *" Project +et,odology 3.1. ! # met/odology 3.2. !-I! *roce)) 3.3. 0u)ine)) re1uirement) gat/ering ( 00#) 3.+. "o-2ive *roce)) -" Regional Structures .Basic /unctions0 +.1. #ur*o)e o3 regional )tructure +.2. #o)tal Regional )tructure +.3. #olitical Regional )tructure +.+. %om*any Regional )tructure 1" Sc,eduling .Basic /unctions0 ,.1. #ortion) ( Meter reading Unit) ,.2. !c/eduling ta)k) ,.3 De*endencie) o3 Regional )tructure) 2" ISU +aster data 'vervie( -.1. Introduction to Ma)ter data -.2. 0u)ine)) Ma)ter data -.2.1. 0u)ine)) #artner -.2.2. %ontract account -.2.3. %ontract -.2.+. !y)tem con3iguration in ! # I!-U ( R/3 -.2.,. %reation o3 0u)ine)) ma)ter data -.3. .ec/nical Ma)ter data

-.3.1. %onnection &bject -.3.2. #remi)e -.3.3. In)tallation -.3.+. !y)tem con3iguration in ! # I!-U ( R/3 -.3.,. %reation o3 .ec/nical ma)ter data 3nergy 4ata +anage!ent and Real Ti!e Pricing 4.1 $DM5 6unctional &verview 4.2 $DM5 Relevant Data &bject) 4.3 #ro3ile 7eader 4.+ #ro3ile llocation 4., Im*ort #ro3ile 8alue) 4.-Manage #ro3ile 8alue) 4.4 6ormula #ro3ile) 4.9 !ynt/etic #ro3ile) 4.:2oad #ro3ile) 4.1;Introduction to R.# Inter3ace 4.11Review o3 I!U/%%! 0illing 4.12$lement) o3 an R.# Inter3ace 4.13%u)tomi<ing )etting) 3or t/e R.# Inter3ace 4.1+$'ecuting t/e R.# Inter3ace

Custo!er Service /CR+ Integration and 5e6 IC 'vervie( 9.1. &ver 8iew o3 %u)tomer !ervice 9.2. =avigation and **lication rea 9.3. 6ront &33ice #roce)) 9.+. Move-in > Move-out > Move-In/&ut 9.,Di)connection and Reconnection #roce)) 9.-. %RM Integration 9.4 ?eb I% overview 4evice +anage!ent 7 SAP ISU 8" 4evice Tec,nology.4evice !anage!ent0 :.1. Device %ategory ( Device :.2. Device management &verview :.3. Integration wit/ 2ogi)tic) :.+. Regi)ter ( Regi)ter data :.,. Modeling o3 device) :.-. Device In)*ection and certi3ication &9" Installations 1;.1. In)tallation &verview

&&" 'vervie( o% Tec,nical '6jects 11.1. Relation)/i* between .ec/nical object) 11.2. !ervice order e'ecution )te*) 11.3. .ec/nical in)tallation )tructure 11.3.1. $'am*le o3 in)tallation )tructure 11.3.2. 0illing related *roce)) ( data entry 11.+. Device 7i)tory 11.,. Device li3e cycle &)" +eter reading 'vervie( 12.1. Meter Reading introduction 12.2. .y*e) o3 Meter reading 12.3. Meter Reading &rgani<ation@!treet routeA 12.+. %reating Meter reading order) 12.,. 8alidating Meter reading re)ult) 12.,.1. Monitoring meter reading re)ult) 12.,.2. Rever)ing Meter reading order) Billing 7 SAP ISU 13.1. 0illing &verview and Ma)ter Data 13.1.1. 0illing Introduction 13.1.2. 0illing )cenario 13.1.3. I!U/%%! billing 13.1.+ Rate !trucutre 13.1., 0illing %la)) 13.1.- Rate .y*e and Rate %ategory 13.1.4 Rate)> &*erand) 13.1.9!c/ema) Rate 8ariant)> Rate %ategory> 6act) 13.1.:. #rice) and di)count) 13.2. 0illing #rocedure) 13.2.1. 0illing .a)k) 13.2.2. 0illing *eriod) 13.2.3. 6orm) o3 0illing 13.2.+. !*ecial 0illing 3unction) 13.2.,. #roce)) o3 0illing 13.2.-. #roce)) o3 0illing 13.2.4. $ntry o3 )election Invoicing /ICA 7 SAP ISU 1+.1 1+.2 1+.3 1+.+ 1+., I!U Data Model/overview 0a)ic) o3 6I% @ma)ter data> event)> *arallel *roce))ingA Document) .ran)action) and ccount Determination %redit wort/ine))

1+.1+.4 1+.9 1+.: 1+.1; 1+.11 1+.12 1+.13 1+.1+ 1+.1, 1+.11+.14 1+.19 1+.1: 1+.2; 1+.21

#ayment) #ayment Run Return) #roce))ing %learing %ontrol Dunning and %ollection) De3erral/In)tallment #lan #romi)e to #ay ccount Maintenance> Rever)al)> .ran)3er *o)ting ?rite-o33 !ecurity De*o)it) Intere)t %alculation Reconciliation key) %orre)*ondence Integration o3 6I% wit/ !D 0udget 0illing $'ecuting t/e 0ill to %a)/ *roce))

Inter Co!:any 4ata 3;c,ange.I430 1,.1 1,.2 1,.3 1,.+ 1,., 1,.1,.4 &verview o3 ID$ %on3iguration "rid )ceanrio) !ervice #rovider )ceario) %/ange o3 !u**lier) !ervice #rovider greeemnt Deregulated )u**lier )cenario)

Introduction to Tec,nical a::roac, in SAP IS-U &2" Print 5or$6enc, 1-.1. Introduction 1-.2. ! # !cri*t overview 1-.3. ! # !mart 3orm &verview 1-.+. Maintaining 3orm) 1-.,. Integration o3 #rint workbenc/ ( ! # !cri*t) 1-.-. #rint control ( #rint environment &<" Industry Solution +igration 5or$6enc, 14.1. Introduction to $MI" 22 14.2. &verview o3 data migration in ! # I!-U 14.2.1. Maintaining com*any *arameter) 14.2.2. &bject maintenance 14.2.3. 6ield Rule) 14.2.+. Data im*ort 14.2.,. #roce))ing im*ort 3ile 14.2.-. naly)i) migration )tati)tic) 14.2.4. Bey )tatu) management &8" 3n,ance!ents = +odi%ications to SAP IS-U

1:.1. Introduction to U)er-e'it) 1:.1.1. 6unction-e'it) 1:.1.2. Menu-e'it) 1:.1.3. !creen-e'it) 1:.1.+. 6ield-e'it) 1:.2. Introduction to 0 DI! 1:.3. 7ow to 3ind U)er e'it) ( 0 DIC) )9" BBP .Business Blue Prints0

SAP A+I.Advanced +etering In%rastructure0

&ver 8iew o3 ! # dvanced Metering In3ra)tructure MI !y)tem 2and)ca*e MI rc/tecuture Doint $nergy Data Mangement Remote Reconnection/Di)connection Device Management MI 6unctionalitie) &verview $nter*ri)e !ervice) and #ro'ie) .ec/nical Ma)ter Data $'c/ange Meter Reading #roce))e) Di)connection and Reconnection U*load o3 Interval Data $'ternal #ro3ile %alculation $vent Management .e't Me))aging

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