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Near Govt. Degree College (Boys) Ja !"re #oa$ D.G.%&a'. (&o'e No. )*+,-+.)/+,

#e0 No1 222222222222222 To, HR Manager, Apollo Textile Mills, MuzaffarGarh. 3"45e6t1 Respected Sir, I'ter's&7! letter 0or Ele6tro'76s 3t"$e't.

Date$1 222222222222222

As per Educational Policy of Go ern!ent of Pun"a#, $nternship is essential for the duration of %.Tech &Pass'. $n this regard, (e shall feel o#liged if you ery )indly accept student of %.Tech &Pass' Electronics of this *ollege for Training to your estee!ed +rganization for the duration of Six !onth. Student na!es as under,S..o. .a!e of Student 1 .adir A##ass /ather0s .a!e Tali# Hussain *lass Roll .o. &%.Tech Pass'ET.2313 to 2312

$t is certified that student (ill not create any pro#le! for your organization. This college ta)es full responsi#ility for this conduct. Any early response in the !atter (ill highly #e appreciated.

(#INCI(AL Alla!a $4#al *ollege of Technology

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