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Hidden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 She had met Mark when Deborah was an infant. She was a sing e mom doing three !obs" determined that Deborah wo# d ha$e the best ife that o$e and mone% &o# d 'ro$ide. She had beg#n working at (i da when she was sti 'regnant" at night she did te e'hone sa es for a maga)ine '#b isher. *hen it was too ate to make &a s she wo# d design and &reate one+of+a+kind hair ornaments and fan&% bows that she so d on ,e-ington .$en#e o#tside / oomingda e0s. 1 aire was tire ess ba&k then. Deborah was thri$ing in the best n#rser% in 2ew 3ork 1it%" and a read% showing a m#si&a ta ent that was a bit a arming to her mother" who &o# dn0t sing a t#ne. Mark had &ome into (i da to b#% a gift for his &#rrent gir friend. 1 aire had been b#s% with another & ient. 4e had taken one ook at her" and to d the other staff that he wo# d wait. 4e eft the store that da% with no gift" b#t a 'romise from a re #&tant 1 aire to ha$e dinner with him that night. She to d him she had a da#ghter and didn0t date" b#t Mark Sa#nders had a wa% of getting what he wanted. 5hen and now.

British Council 2014


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4is &o#rtshi' of her had been ike something o#t of a fair% ta e. 1 aire knew that it was his kindness to her da#ghter that &a#sed her to o'en her heart and et him in. 4e was f#nn% and handsome and 'owerf# 6 a head% mi-. 7$er time she grew to o$e him. 5r#e" it wasn0t the kind of 'assion she0d had with *a ker" %et it was rea and strong and" she had tho#ght" ' ent% to b#i d a ife on.
.#thor6 5it e6 8#b isher6 9S/26 /arbara 5a% or /radford 4idden 4ar'er 1o ins 8#b ishers 978+0+00+0755019+7

British Council 2014

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