Learning Episode 5 6

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Practice Teaching Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 2

1 Unacceptable performance

The journey begins with First Step (My first activity)

My Goals
At the end of the activity, I should be able to: Perform my first activity well Prepare instructional materials for my first activity Follow the instruction given by my teacher

o o o

My Performance (How I shall be rated?)

5 Outstanding 4 Exceeds expectation s 3 Meets expectations 2 Improvement needed

My Tasks My Activities My Analysis My Reflections / Insights My Portfolio Total Score : Average Rating (total score 5) :

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

I feel I can do these tasks because I am determined and motivated to do it well and give my best in this activity.

My Directions
To do the tasks, I should be able to:

1. Listen to the instructions of my cooperating teacher. 2. Prepare for my assigned tasks. 3. Perform the assigned tasks/ activity well.

My tasks Complete the task matrix.

The activity: My own sound box Tasks to do: Demonstrate on how to construct soundix box and guide the students to answer their activity What to prepare: My activities Shoe box Variety of elastic or rubber band

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Cardboard Scissors Ruler

Write the steps you followed in the timeline These are the steps I performed to complete the tasks:

Discuss information about sound.

Demonstrate what they are going to do.

Students will construct a sounding box.

Check their activity

My Analysis

Rate your accomplishment: Using the continuum, I feel I accomplished the tasks in a Very Satisfactory manner. 1 2 3 4 5


Very Satisfactory




Because students followed all my instructions correctly and they were able to do a sounding box easily. Another thing is when I asked them questions they can easily answer without any hesitations.

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Write your thoughts

Fears? If they did not accomplish the task


If I see my students learned from me, especially in my lesson.


Preparing the lesson plan and materials needed.

Joys? When my students achieved my objectives.

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Reflection I think I can do better if I prepared my task well. If I will always do the most effective way of instructing my students and if I will be able to apply all these things I think my students will learn. I realize in teaching you should look for the betterment of your students. You must be patient and never limit your students on the things that they can able to do. Surprisingly I never have a hard time in instructing them what things they need to do.

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Practice Teaching Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 2

Writing My First Lesson Plan in My Second Home

My Goals
At the end of the activity, I should be able to: Write the lesson plan required by my cooperating teacher.

My Performance (How I shall be rated?)

5 Outstanding 4 Exceeds expectation s 3 Meets expectations 2 Improvement needed 1 Unacceptable performance

My Tasks My Activities My Analysis My Reflections / Insights My Portfolio Total Score : Average Rating (total score 5) :

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Definition of Lesson Plan - A detailed description of the individual lessons that a

teacher plans to teach on a given day. A lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide instruction throughout the day. It is a method of planning and preparation. A lesson plan traditionally includes the name of the lesson, the date of the lesson, the objective the lesson focuses on, the materials that will be used, and a summary of all the activities that will be used. Lesson plans are a terrific set of guidelines for substitute teachers.

My directions
3. Evaluating/ critiquing the lesson plan by the cooperating teacher.

4. Re- writing the lesson plan/ teach the lesson if required

1. Pre- conference with the cooperating teacher on lesson planning.

2. writing the lesson plan based on the results of the preconference

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

My tasks
Schools vary in lesson format. Copy the lesson format required by your cooperating school. Confer with your cooperating teacher on how to go about the template to guide you in making the plan

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

Tips on Writing a Lesson Plan

S- Specific M- Measurable A- Attainable R- Realistic T- Time Bound

Have A Clear Objective Make Lessons Fun, Visual & Interactive Try To Incorporate The 4 Skills

My Analysis
After writing my first lesson plan in my cooperating school, these are the things noted by my cooperating teacher. Best Features Objectives Motivation Teaching Procedure Areas of improvement Grammar

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

As a teacher I need to prepare lesson plan thatwill give me a clear description what I what to achieve after the discussion of the lesson. It will also serve as a guide in teaching. Another thing planning a lesson plan is something that I should always because without planning

As a future teacher, I need to prepare a lesson plan thatensures the needs of the learners and to ensure that the materials and discussion is appropriate for the learners. It is not only about on WHAT WE TEACH but it is also about on HOW WE ARE GOING TO TEACH. Lesson plan is something that will help us to teach smoothly and students will benefit also. It is something that we need to put our creativity and our objectives must be set as specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic and time bounded. It is really a mortal in for teachers to go to school and teach without having any preparation and lesson plan. Writing a lesson is like building a house first you have to draw a blue print, and plan before you start building your dream house. For this will not only give you fulfillment on what you want but a security and assurance that this will not easily be destroyed.

I am fully convinced that I must be fully prepared before I teach to ensure that there is learning taking place all the time.

Roselle Anne Crisostomo Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English IV

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