CG A Pain in The Back

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From the Publishers of

A Pain in the Back


Terms of Use
The Consult Guys slide sets are owned and copyrighted by the American College of Physicians (ACP). All text, graphics, trademarks, and other intellectual property incorporated into the slide sets remain the sole and exclusive property of ACP. The slide sets may be used only by the person who downloads or purchases them and only for the purpose of presenting them during not-for-profit educational activities. Users may incorporate the entire slide set or selected individual slides into their own teaching presentations but may not alter the content of the slides in any way or remove the ACP copyright notice. Users may make print copies for use as hand-outs for the audience the user is personally addressing but may not otherwise reproduce or distribute the slides by any means or media, including but not limited to sending them as e-mail attachments, posting them on Internet or Intranet sites, publishing them in meeting proceedings, or making them available for sale or distribution in any unauthorized form, without the express written permission of the ACP. Unauthorized use of the Consult Guys slide sets constitutes copyright infringement.

Copyright 2013

Copyright 2013

Copyright 2013

ACP Guideline Published in 2011
Copyright 2013

Key Points

Back pain is very common A selective approach to back pain imaging

is recommended

Copyright 2013

Indications for immediate imaging

Major risk factors for cancer as a cause Risk factors for spinal infection Evidence of cauda equina syndrome

Urinary retention Fecal incontinence

Saddle anesthesia

Copyright 2013

Mr. G
Diabetic Boil 3 weeks ago Malaise Tenderness L3-L4

Copyright 2013

Epidural abscess
Identifiable portal of entry in 2/3 Spinal surgery Epidural catheter Skin soft tissue infection Hematogenous (iv drug use) Classic: fever + spine tenderness + neurologic Most not classic MRI

Copyright 2013

Consult Guys Replies

Mr. Gs presentation suggests epidural

An MRI should be done

Copyright 2013

Produced by



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