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NAME: Damicka Izharudin


The activity/activities I took part in were Circus skills, dance workshop, mask making twice, trip to the University, dragon making and fine art.

My role in the activity was To take photos of artwork I liked at the University, designing masks for a carnival and to take part in the circus skills and dance workshop. Also to work in a team to design a dragon.

The part I found the most challenging was To take accurate photos of art I liked and to use them to inspire the design of my art.

The part I enjoyed most was Designing different masks and making them. I also enjoyed taking part in the dance and circus skill workshop. I enjoyed the trip to the University as well; I liked seeing the art by Augustin Rebetez and what the University students made.

I have developed my skills by Using a professional camera to take photos. This has helped me to take accurate photos of the art.

The activity was/wasnt what I expected because Some parts were different from what I expected for it to be whilst some were close to what I would expect. The circus skills workshop was fun and what I thought it would be like. Some such as fine art and the University trip wasnt what I expected it to be like because the fine art was detailed and was different from other art the way the colours blend, and the University had different styles of art I liked as they didnt look real but still interesting and original.

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