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Question: Hasilkan satu cerita pendek berbentuk animasi selama satu minit berdasarkan sukatan Bahasa Inggeris Tahun

5. Produce a short animated story about a minute long based on the curriculum specification of English Year 5. Theme: World of Knowledge Unit: lorious !ood

Synopsis Today is "unday. Pn. #$i$ah and "iti want to eat some durians. They go to the mar%et to buy some durians.

Algorithm sequential &. "tart. '. Pn. #$i$ah and "iti plan to buy some durians in the mar%et. (. They go to the mar%et. ). They buy some durians. 5. They go home. *. "iti puts the durians in the %itchen. +. "iti opens the durians. ,. "iti and her mother eat the durians together. -. End

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