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6th grade Geography and Culture Mrs.

Woll Gandhi-Inspired Speech Tackling Issues Today Directions: After learning a bit about Gandhi and his inspirational life story, you will write a speech that reflects on the questions below. We will spend a few days in class writing, editing, and practicing together. However, you will need to put in a lot of effort at ho e. Anything e!tra you add to your speech will only help the end result. Due Dates: "riday #$#% Monday #$#* Wednesday #$#6 + &hursday #$#Speech Outline .. Who was Mahat a Gandhi/ a. 0riefly describe the type of person and leader he was b. What obstacles did he face in his life 1escribe one issue going on in our world &21A3 a. How would Gandhi react to this issue, what would he do 4ecite his quote, 50e the change you wish to see in the world6 and e!plain what this quote eans when facing in7ustice. a. How do you one day hope to change the world, how can you be li8e Gandhi/ &wo printed copies of your draft brought to class' typed, double(spaced, si)e %# font "inal copy of your speech with all necessary changes ,peeches will be given in class

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Requirements: (&yped speech, double(spaced, si)e %# font (9ach paragraph should answer the question entirely and in co plete sentences (Chec8ed and edited for spelling, punctuation, gra ar, and capitali)ation (At least one page long Extras: ("eel free to read ore about Gandhi, watch the video located on the ho ewor8 page, or add any quotes that see fitting. (Ma8e co parisons to other leaders in the world and how they have e bodied this approach as well. (1ress the part for this inspirational speech.

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