OEM Repository Investigation

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1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the repository database as the SYSMAN user. 2.

Check the current value of the MGMT_METRICS_RAW retention value: SQL> select parameter_name, parameter_value from mgmt_parameters where parameter_name='mgmt_raw_keep_window'; If there is no row shown, then the value is set to the default value of 7. 3. Enter the following SQL to insert the parameter and change the default value: SQL> INSERT INTO MGMT_PARAMETERS (PARAMETER_NAME, PARAMETER_VALUE) VALUES ('mgmt _raw_keep_window','14'); SQL> commit; 4. To modify the existing setting, to say 15 days, execute: SQL> Update MGMT_PARAMETERS set parameter_value=15 where parameter_name='mgmt_raw_keep_window'; SQL> commit;

SQL> select * from mgmt_job_purge_policies;

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