Strange Ways Humans Act Like Vampires

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strange ways humans act like vampires

prepared by: Catherine Chen

1. Aversion to garlic
Depression, anxiety, psychosomatic issues


The fear of garlic or allium phobia a neurosis that causes people to become freak out by the plant. Legend vampires are repelled by garlic stems (southern slavic countries and Romania)

2. Biting Mad
Rabies or hydrophobia causes people to display several vampire-like symptoms (desire to bite others)

The virus attacks neural nervous system and causes oversensitivitiy to sunlight. Bites from bats the most common source of a rabies infection.

3. A thirst to blood?
Blood disorder (porphyria) desire to drink human blood to alleviate their symptoms.

Cause abnormalities in haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cell. Red-coloured urine

4. Flaunting Fangs
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia rare genetic disorder that affect tooth development.

Causes a persons teeth to grow in abnormally and at a later than average age. Some cases many of the persons teeth are absent except for the canines which in effect appear to be protuding (teeth that do grow in are pointed


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