Digestion Project

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Digestive System Project 75 Points

Directions: For chapter 3 (Digestion) of your textbook, instead of having an exam, you will have a project that will combine your scientific skills with your creative and artistic skills. (You have all these skills in spite what you may think!) Other than reading your textbook this is the only homework you will have while we discuss digestion. For this project you will create either an illustrated book or a comic strip that details the processes of digestion. You must include all the vocabulary, which I have listed below. Your story/comic should not only use the correct vocabulary terms but also demonstrate that you understand what each term means. When you write and illustrate your story/comic, think of it in terms of writing a creative, but accurate, story to help a younger sibling or student understand the processes of digestion. From each section of Ms. Masons classes, one students story will be chosen by a secret committee of teachers and will be featured in a prominent manner! The back of this page has a copy of the rubric I will be using to grade your project! Vocabulary: Nutrient Carbohydrate Glucose Fats Protein Amino Acid Vitamins Minerals Digestions Absorption Saliva Enzyme Epiglottis Esophagus Mucus Peristalsis Stomach
[Image from: http://www.infovisual.info/03/057_en.html]

Small Intestine Liver Bile Gallbladder Pancreas Villi Large Intestine Rectum Anus

Digestive System Project Rubric

Name:________________________________________ Project Content Grade:_______/75

35-31 points The project includes all specified vocabulary. The project not only uses all the specified vocabulary but also demonstrates that the student clearly understands and can apply each vocabulary word. The story/comic includes at least one illustration per page, so that each page/comicsquare is half illustration and half information. Illustrations are fully relevant to the information presented on each page/comicsquare. 30-26 points The project is missing between 1 and 3 specified vocabulary words. The project demonstrates that the student clearly understands and can apply almost all specified vocabulary words. A few pages/comic-squares are not evenly divided between content and illustrations A few illustrations are not relevant to the information presented on the page/comicsquare they share. 25-16 points The project is missing between 4 and 6 specified vocabulary words. The project demonstrates that the student clearly understands and can apply a majority of the specified vocabulary words. Several pages/comic-squares are not evenly divided between content and illustrations Several illustrations are not relevant to the information presented on the page/comic-square they share. 15-0 points The project is missing more than 6 specified vocabulary words. The project does not demonstrate that the student clearly understands and can apply at least 70 % of the vocabulary words. Less than 70 % of the pages/comic-squares are evenly divided between content and illustrations Less than 70 % of the illustrations are relevant to the information presented on the pages/comic-squares they share Your score ______________ out of 35

Information is Correct 25-21 points All digestive system information is correct. The reader/listener would have a strong understanding of how the digestive system works and why it is important through the information presented. 20-15 points The information is correct but with a few mistakes. The audience would still have a good understanding of how the digestive system works and why it is important. 14-9 points Information regarding the digestive system has several mistakes. The reader/listener would get the general idea of how the system works and why it is important. 9-0 points Information regarding the digestive system has many, many mistakes. The project would confuse the audience. Your score _____________ out of 25 Attractiveness, Organization, &Creativity/Work Quality 15-12 points The work is clear, organized, logical and unmistakably demonstrates elements of creativity and style. It is not just a list of facts. The effort that was put into this task is the best that can be done by the student. 11-9 points The work is clear, logical and has an element of creativity. The effort put into the project was good but not the students best work. 8-5 points Work is done with fair effort, but the project lacks clarity and creativity and reads more like a list of facts. The quality of the project is not what the learners are capable of. The work seems rushed. 4-0 points Project is not creative. Work is done with little effort and the quality is not as good as what the learners are able to do. It is evident that the work was rushed and little time was spent on the final product. Your score _____________ out of 15

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