Payroll System 123

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In documenting the first step could look at the Data Flow Diagram and document the Entity, Data

Flows, Processes and Stores. This would be aluable during de elopment. I am documenting a more finished system. I can include a systems flow chart or some other means of showing the relationships, I can also document the input, output, database!files, and programs that make up the system. People ha e their own fa orite way of doing this. This is "ust one possible way of doing it. #our te$tbook discusses other techni%ues that you may prefer.

Overview of Payroll System

The payroll system keeps accurate employee data stored in an easily accessible database. The system has the ability to update and maintain employee information and to generate re%uired outputs including paychecks, reports to management and reports to the go ernment. Each week, data on the current pay period is entered into the system and erified. This data is used to update the employee master file with appropriate additions, changes and deletions and to generate re%uired output. Obviously a more detailed description would be done if I were actually documenting a system. I would include a systems flowchart at this point Sample documentation can include: Description/overview of system, systems flowchart, list of program in system, program descriptions, list of tables/files in system, file layouts and description, data dictionary for fields, list of reports in system and report layouts and description, list of screens in system and screen layouts and descriptions, controls. For each program the programmer could be as ed to include program description, program specifications, logic flowchart, code, test data and sample run. !ote if you are using a database such as "ccess, much of the documentation can be gotten from the structure of the database.

List of Programs
Program Code Name T&'DEDIT T&'D)PDT P-#'./ 012T34 Program Name Time 'ard Edit Program Time 'ard )pdate Program Paycheck Program 354 Program Function Production( Edits time card information keyed in from the time card screen Production( updates current and #TD pay on Employee &aster File *E&P&ST+, Production( 0enerates paychecks 0enerates 354 forms at end of year &aintenance( Edits the screen transactions used to update the Employee &aster File *E&P&ST+, &aintenance( )pdates the Employee &aster File *E&P&ST+,

Other report programs would be included E&PEDIT Employee Edit Program


Employee )pdate Program

Time Card Edit Program: TMCDED T

Production Program( This program edits time card information keyed in from the time card screen. Program Name: n!ut: Out!ut: Functions: T&'DEDIT Time 'ard Edit Program Time 'ard Screen *T&'DS'+, Time 'ard Transactions Table *T&'DT+-6, Time 'ard Error +eport *T&'D+PT, Edits input data according to the following specifications( Identification number is present, numeric with alid check digit Department is present and alid department +egular hours is present, numeric and not o er 78 #ontinue with other fields that are to be edited Interacti e with user( &essages are posted and corrections are edited )ser can determine that record cannot be corrected and send to the Time 'ard Error +eport *T&D'+PT, 'ounts number of employees processed 'ounts number of transactions written to Time 'ard Transactions table *T&'DT+-6, +un weekly after time cards ha e been collected

Controls: Comments:

Ta"les in Payroll System

Ta"le Code Name T&'DT+-6 E&P&ST+ Ta"le Name Time 'ard Transactions Employee &aster Ty!e Trans Programs 1utput( T&'DEDIT Input( T&'D)PDT &aster $ist programs using the table specifying Input, Output and I/O meaning both

Data Dictionary #ecord Descri!tion: TMCDT#$N %Time Card Transactions&

Database System( Table 'ode 6ame( -lternati e 6ame*s,( 1rgani9ation( Primary /ey( -lternate /ey*s,( Foreign /eys( 6umber records( Field Name Ty!e Lengt' Source Comments Identification Te$t : Screen( T&'DS'+ /eyed in from 6umber screen !ote that you want to provide information in the source to trace problems when they are found on the table. #omments should include format etc Payroll Database T&'DT+-6 Time 'ard Transactions Database Table organi9ed by primary key Identification 6umber Department 6umber Pro"ect 6umber

Data Dictionary Data Element Descri!tion: dentification Num"er

Database System( Field 6ame( -lternati e name or -lias( Definition( Type( ;ength( 'onfiguration( Default 2alue( 1utput Format( Source( Security( Standard 'odes( Deri ation Formula( Prompt!'olumn .eader( 'omments( -ppears on( Payroll Database ID61 Identification 6umber Employee identification number generated by the company Te$t : If there is a particular code involved I would e%plain it here 6one Display &ell where the field originates Some of these things may not be needed if not applicable

$ist the files where this field e%ists

List of Screens in Payroll System Screen Documentation

;ayout of the screen and e$planation of each field on the screen

List of #e!orts in Payroll System

;ayout of the report and e$planation of each field in the report E$planation for both would include columns such as( Field, length, editing, source and comments If totals are included they should be described

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