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Digbeth Residents Association

Minutes of Meeting

Paragon Hotel
Monday 5th October 2009

Adam Crossley Chair and Digbeth Resident
PCSO Mark Brittle Digbeth Neighbourhood Team
Andy Sheppard Neighbourhood Manager

Approximately 15 Digbeth Residents

PC Kate Ollis Digbeth Neighbourhood Team
PC Phil Bates Digbeth Neighbourhood Team

The hostel has been approved, ‘Back Packers’ type accommodation. Residents express concern
regarding this, There were 54 Objections, but the planning was granted with conditions (not specified),
There has been a lack of communication from the council, and residents are unhappy with this, there
has been no reply to emails or letters. Residents are concerned with the effect this will have on the
Digbeth Neighbourhood, bringing up issues such as parking, noise, crime etc..

Andy Sheppard attended the meeting and took details regarding the residents concerns about the

Traffic Junction at Cheapside and Alcester Street still a cause for concern, can police look at the
number of accidents which have occurred here for next meeting.

No reply from Police or Fire Service concerning the planning for the Backpackers, this information
has come from John Davies at Alpha Tower.

Digbeth History and Future –

IKON Gallery, Tuesday 6th October 2009, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Kate Baker who works voluntarily for the council for Digital Birmingham and wants to bring Digital to
Digbeth ‘Residents’.
Her email is: HYPERLINK ""
She will attend a future residents meeting with a colleague to do a presentation on Digital Birmingham.

Andy Sheppard suggested a *Walk About*? Looking at Monday 12th?

YOOSK! Look on Website!

Residents still want local councillors to attend meeting, Adam to organise.

John Tighe mentioned the Pub Watch Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month, residents are
welcome should they have any questions.

Residents querying what the site is next to On your Bike going to be? – Adam to look into.

The Café at the Old Post Office is now open on Cheapside. Want people to use it as a social place to
go. Plan to have music.

Residents have noticed groups of kids on Bradford Street by Bus Stops, after school. Very Noisy.
Police to look into.

Next Meeting
Monday 2nd November 2009
Paragon Hotel at 7pm.

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