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Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________ Motherhood/Fatherhood Questions Directions: All questions need to be answered in at least one complete sentence.

1. Why do you think that fathers can be seen as Superfluous?

2. What did the author cite as evidence that fathers are needed?

3. What are the expectations of being a father?

4. When thinking about the stereotypes of males (protectors, providers, etc.), how can their irrelevance change the stereotypes?

5. Do you think that it is harder for kids to do better without their fathers? Why or why not?

6. What is the mommy penalty?

7. How is the mommy penalty another form of gender stereotyping?

8. Do you think that men deserve more money for more children? Or women? Or does it matter?

9. How are women who have children treated? How is this different then men?

10. How are families changing? Will this affect gender stereotypes?

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