Gov. Huckabee Bio

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Illinois Right to Life. Nay 8, 2u14, www.IllinoisRightToLife.

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Foimei Aikansas goveinoi Nike Buckabee is the
host of the numbei one iateu weekenu hit
B0CKABEE on the Fox News Channel anu Cumulus
Neuia Netwoiks' synuicateu iauio piogiam, The
Nike Buckabee Show, heaiu on moie than 17S
stations. Be's also heaiu thiee times uaily acioss the
nation on The Buckabee Repoit synuicateu on
almost 6uu stations, anu has been the fastest
giowing new piogiam on the Cumulus Neuia
Netwoik in iecent yeais.
Be is the authoi of 9 books, the most iecent being "A
Simple uoveinment." This is his fouith book that has
been on the New Yoik Times Best Sellei list joining
"Bo the Right Thing," "A Simple Chiistmas" anu
"Can't Wait Till Chiistmas." Aftei his campaign foi
the Republican nomination foi Piesiuent in 2uu8, in
which he finisheu seconu to }ohn NcCain, he foimeu
BuckPac to assist Conseivative Republicans iunning
foi office nationwiue anu has amasseu a volunteei
team with thousanus of activists in all Su states.
Fiom 1996-2uu7, Buckabee seiveu as the 44th uoveinoi of Aikansas anu was
iecognizeu nationally foi his leaueiship, having been honoieu by seveial ienowneu
publications anu oiganizations foi his numeious accomplishments. uoveining
magazine nameu him as one of its 'Public 0fficials of the Yeai' foi 2uuS, Time
Nagazine honoieu him as one of the five best goveinois in Ameiica, anu latei in the
same yeai, Buckabee ieceiveu the Ameiican Association of Retiieu Peison's Impact
Awaiu. In 2uu7, he was piesenteu with the Nusic foi Life Awaiu by the National
Association of Nusic Neichants (NANN), foi his commitment to music euucation.
Be seiveu as the Chaiiman of the piestigious National uoveinois Association as well
as the Euucation Commission of the States anu the Inteistate 0il anu uas
Buckabee became goveinoi in }uly 1996 when his pieuecessoi iesigneu. Be was one
of the youngest goveinois in the countiy at the time. Buckabee was electeu to a full
foui-yeai teim as goveinoi in 1998, attiacting the laigest peicentage of the vote
evei ieceiveu by a Republican gubeinatoiial nominee in Aikansas, anu was ie-
electeu to anothei foui-yeai teim in Novembei 2uu2.
Illinois Right to Life. Nay 8, 2u14, www.IllinoisRightToLife.oig
Buckabee fiist was electeu lieutenant goveinoi in a 199S special election anu was
electeu to a full foui-yeai teim in 1994. Be was only the fouith Republican to be
electeu to statewiue office since Reconstiuction.
Aftei an eaily caieei in bioaucasting anu auveitising, he spent 12 yeais as a pastoi
anu uenominational leauei. Be became the youngest piesiuent evei of the Aikansas
Southein Baptist State Convention, the laigest uenomination in Aikansas. Buckabee
leu iapiuly giowing congiegations in Pine Bluff anu Texaikana. Be saiu those
expeiiences gave him a ueep sense of the pioblems faceu by inuiviuuals anu
Buckabee's effoits to impiove his own health have ieceiveu national attention.
Biagnoseu with Type 2 uiabetes in 2uuS, he lost 11u pounus. Baiely two yeais latei,
he completeu foui maiathons: The 2uuS anu 2uu6 Little Rock Naiathons, the
Naiine Coips Naiathon anu the INu New Yoik City Naiathon. As a iesult of his
accomplishments, The Roau Runneis Club of Ameiica nameu him its 'Southein
Region Runnei of the Yeai' anu 0SA Tiack & Fielu has nameu him theii 'Athlete of
the Week' foi the countiy.
Buckabee, S6, is an aviu musician anu is bass playei in his iock-n-ioll banu, Capitol
0ffense, which has openeu foi aitists such as Willie Nelson anu the Chailie Baniels
Banu, anu has playeu the Bouse of Blues in New 0ileans, the Reu Rocks
Amphitheatei in Benvei, C0, foi two piesiuential inauguiation balls anu at two
Republican National Conventions. Be is featuieu each week in the musical segment
of his Fox show with the Fox house banu, The Little Rockeis.
Bis hobbies incluue hunting, fishing, iunning, anu music. Be was nameu one of the
2S Nost Influential People foi Conseivation by 0utuooi Life magazine, anu was
nameu Nan of the Yeai by the Ameiican Spoitfishing Association in 1997.
The foimei goveinoi anu his wife, }anet, live in Floiiua anu still spenu pait of theii
time in Aikansas. They have thiee giown chiluien: }ohn Naik, Baviu anu Saiah, as
well as two gianuchiluien, Chanulei anu Scailett, foi whom his most iecently
ieleaseu book, "Beai Chanulei, Beai Scailett" is nameu.

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