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Extra High Voltage AC and DC Transmission System Questions

1. Explain the technical and economical reasons for adopting EHV transmission system for

transfer of bulk po er o!er long distance"

2. #hat are the problem associates

ith EHV transmission system$

3. #hat are the special factors and technical considerations for EHV lines$ 4. what is meant by po er handling capacity of a transmission line$ #rite is the e%uation

from po er handling capacity and percentage transfer loss in the line and explain ho the higher transmission !oltages are important for bulk po er transmission"
5. Explain

hat is meant by bundled conductor$ #hat the properties of the bundled

conductor and hy they are used$

6. Explain the concept of geometrical mean radius of bundled conductors" #hy it is

7. #hat is difference bet een bundle radius and e%ui!alent radius of bundle$ 8. Deri!e a general formula to find &'( of a bundle conductor ha!ing ) sub*conductor" 9. Deri!e a general e%uation for the inductance of a bundled conductor consisting of ) sub*

conductors and sho

that the inductance of a bundled conductor reduced to +,) times of

that of a one conductor"

10. #hat are the causes of generation of corona- audible noise and radio interference$

Discuss the factors affecting corona loss"

11. Explain the estimation of conductor surface !oltage gradients for EHV lines" .( 12. Deri!e the expression for surface !oltage gradient for t o bundle conductor for EHV

13. #hat are the maximum- minimum and o!er!oltage !alue of surfaces !oltage gradients"

Explain cosine lo of !ariation /distribution0 of surface !oltage gradients"

14. #hat is the effect of high electrostatic field on human being under an EHV lines$ #hy

does a normal human being not experience a shock hen alking under beneath a line$

15. Describe difference bet een primary and secondary shock current" #hat is meant by 1let*

go2 current$
16. #rite short note on compensation pro!ided in transmission line and ad!antage and

disad!antage of the system"

17. 3riefly describe the series compensation pro!ided in transmission line and ad!antage and

disad!antage of the system"

18. #hat are the main problems created by series compensation$ Discus the sub*

synchronous reactance problem in series capacitor compensated line and counter measure taken to deal ith the problem$
19. #hat are the technical and economical ad!antages of HVDC transmission o!er EHV AC

20. #hat are the different types of HVDC link /DC link0$ 3riefly describe each of them" 21. 3riefly discuss the method of connecting DC link into AC system" 22. #rite short note on i0 ground return in HVDC transmission and ii0 'ulti terminal DC

23. Deri!e the expression for po er at sending end and recei!ing end of an HVDC system in

terms of at sending end and recei!ing end !oltage and line resistance"
24. A bipolar t o terminal HVDC link is deli!ering +444'# at

544k! at the recei!ing

end" Total losses in DC circuit are 64'#" Calculate the follo ing7 sending end po erpo er in the middle of line- sending end !oltage- !oltage at middle of line and total resistance of the DC circuit"
25. A bipolar t o terminal HVDC transmission HVDC transmission system has a +8 pulse

con!erter per pole each terminal" The system has follo ing data 7 (ated DC !oltage 9


(ated bipolar po er 9 +544'# :ine resistance per pole 9 5 ohms

DC !oltage at rectifiered 9


(ectifier terminal feeds rated po er in DC line" Calculated the follo ing7 DC currentDC line loss- in!erter and DC !oltage- DC po er deli!ered to in!erter end- DC !oltage of 6 pulse con!erter at rectifier end- DC !oltage of 6 pulse con!erter at in!erter endbipolar DC !oltage rectifier and bipolar DC !oltage of in!erter"
26. Sketch and explain the configuration of 6 pulse bridge con!erter" 27. Explain the commutation and o!erlap angle for a 6 pulse rectifier bridge"

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