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Cristal Preciado 7239 Tokay circle Winton, CA 95388 (209)489-8870 cpreciado201007@muhsdstudents.


I am bilingual, very organized, honest, reliable, trustworthy, and kind. I know how to prioritize, communicate, and work well with others. Education Senior at Atwater High School Work Experience Cleaning and organizing shelves at my Aunts shop in Mexico Community/Volunteer Service I have helped build many stage sets and organize and tailor many costumes for my Theatre classs plays and productions. Special Training T.A. for Drama 1, costume seamstress, painting quotes around school. Extra Curricular Activities In my spare time, I like to read, play guitar, draw, bake, or blog. Awards Crowned Teen Miss Atwater in 2010
References Leti DeLoa: (209) 769-6524 Julianne Aguilar: (209) 756-8981

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