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Tommy Morteboy and Emilio Yarad

How ICT changed a students life

Ict has made a students life much easier. Ict has made homework and class work easier to and faster, in other words now that there is internet it is easier to find answers and becomes faster to do.

I learnt to design many things using photoshop. For me, learning about computer scince is a very important thing in life sconsidering the computer to be our present and our future. Emilio Yarad

I have learned many things in ict, which i have applied in my life, all i have learned i apply in the world we live in

How ICT changed employment

It changed employment considering different jobs, occupations, etc. Before a businessman had everything archived in their folder now they have everything in their laptops and mobile phone.

Technology has changed

the whole social life giving communication sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, etc. Before people had to write everything by hand, now its all written from the computer.

Kids played with yoyos, hide and seek, draw, etc. now all they do is play in their iphones, ipods, tablets Technology has sort of lost our recent society.

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