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INT 360 Interdisciplinary Studies: Teaching Philosophy

Dr. Arroyo has defined theory as, a series of state!ents co!prised of concepts that together descri"e, predict, or e#plain a pheno!enon.$ %n the other hand, !y definition of theory is defined as, a set of ideas that atte!pt to e#plain an idea or concept. A theory in&ol&es ne' thoughts, concepts, and (no'ledge. Theories can "e pro&en or o")ected.$ *+i!!er!an, ,0-,, p. -. They can also "e !odified as !ore infor!ation is o"tained. Theories are particularly i!portant "ecause it is a guide for research. In !ost cases, they are sought to "e pro&en. This is 'hy educators test their theories fro! 'hat they e#pect to find fro! their data. */res'ell, ,0--, p. 0,. The interdisciplinary theory can "e created 'hen there are 1uestions that are not confined to a single field of study. It in&ol&es !ore than one concept or area of (no'ledge. Adding to the depth of (no'ledge of any topic allo's interdisciplinary theory to add (no'ledge to the o&erall "ody of 'or(. In order to create an interdisciplinary theory, indi&iduals select a topic to e&aluate. This includes pre&ious theories of other indi&iduals. 2hen the research is collected and analy3ed, the ne#t step is to integrate those theories and create your o'n. The final product 'ill "e a 'ell thought4 out interdisciplinary theory. According to the article, Defining and Teaching Interdisciplinary Studies, interdisciplinary studies in&ol&es the co!"ination of different insights and disciplinary resources. Interdisciplinary studies "roaden our !indset as students and allo' us to e#plore and integrate our (no'ledge of different theories and su")ects. I agree 'ith

state!ent that 'e, the students, are co4creators. I can definitely see ho' 5#istentialis!, 6ahayana 7uddhis!, and 8udeo4/hristianity play a part in ho' 'e are co4creators. 5#istentialis! is the study of 'hy 'e e#ist. As Professor Arroyo stated, it is 'hat he or she does that deter!ines 'hat he or she 'ill "eco!e. The 6ahayana 7uddhis! theory portrays that the students are not the only ones that learn so!ething. 2e, as students, also teach the professor in !any 'ays as 'ell. 9inally yet i!portantly, there is the 8udeo4/hristianity philosophy. 2e as students, ha&e the po'er of na!ing. 2e can create ne' ideas and theories as 'ell. These philosophies are great e#a!ples that can help us see a "roader picture as students. So!e students "elie&e they are confined in the classroo!. They listen to only the lecture gi&en. 2e are free to thin( of ne' things and ideas rather than 'hat is lectured to us. 2e, as students, are !ore than 'hat 'e thin( 'e are. :eferences /res'ell, 8. *,0--. Educational Research, fourth edition, Print. Ne'ell, 2., ; <reen, 2. *n.d... Defining and Teaching Interdisciplinary Studies. Defining and Teaching Interdisciplinary Studies. :etrie&ed August -=, ,0-3, fro! go">faculty>gregory)>files>,0-->06>Defining4and4Teaching4 Interdisciplinary4Studies4Ne'ell4-=0,.pdf +i!!er!an, ?. *,0-,, 8uly -0.. 2hat is a Scientific Theory@. :etrie&ed No&e!"er ,A, ,0-3, fro! http:>>'''.li&!>,-B=-4'hat4is4!l

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