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Jada Brown INT 322-90 Service Learning Denise Snowden-Langley Submi ed !

arc" #$% 20#3 Service-learning is a &course-based% credi -bearing educa ional e'(erience in w"ic" s uden s (ar ici(a e in an organi)ed service ac ivi y "a mee s iden i*ied communi y needs% and re*lec on "e service ac ivi y in suc" a way as o gain *ur "er unders anding o* course con en % a broader a((recia ion o* "e disci(line% and an en"anced sense o* (ersonal values and civic res(onsibili y& +Bingle% ,a c"er and !cIn os"% 200-./ T"e y(e o* service learning "a I would under a0e is recycling beverage cans and bo les/ I could save resources and reduce was e/ I* I could ge everyone a Nor*ol0 S a e 1niversi y o recycle% we could "el( (ro ec and res ore "e 2ar "/ 3ecycling is im(or an everyw"ere/ T"ere are "ousands o* s uden s and *acul y a Nor*ol0 S a e 1niversi y/ T"ere are mul i(le drin0 mac"ines all around cam(us/ T"e *irs s e( o ge ing more (eo(le involved would be o educa e "em on "e im(or ance o* recycling/ Some (eo(le "in0 recycling is (oin less and e' ra/ T"ey "in0 i is more convenien o "row some "ing away and ge ano "er "an o recycle "e i em/ T"is is w"y (eo(le need more 0nowledge o* "ow im(or an recycling is o our lives/ 3ecycling allows us o use a limi ed number o* resources re(ea edly/ 4las ics could be made in o o "er (las ic (roduc s wi " less energy consumed o (roduce "a recycled (roduc / I decreases "e load o* resource ga "ering and was e on "e (lane / 2duca ing s uden s and *acul y abou recycling could allow (ersonal grow " and 0nowledge/ T"ey would "en convince everyone around "em o do "e same/

S uden s could bene*i *rom academic en"ancemen because "ey will learn "ow science is involved wi " recycling/ Now w"o would "in0 recycling is so im(or an 5 2veryone s"ould address "e issues o* (ublic concern and recycling is one/ T"ere s"ould be bo'es (laced around cam(us near all ras"cans *or recycling/ I would ma0e i easier *or everyone o recycle/ I could even save "e sc"ool money/ Several (laces (ay *or recycled i ems/ I may no be muc" (ay% bu wi " "e large number o* s uden s and *acul y (ar ici(a ing% "e money can add u( 6uic0ly/ 7e all "ave o "in0 cri ically o unders and "e "ig" im(or ance o* recycling/ T"e combined e**or s o* all (eo(le o recycle ma0e a "uge di**erence in our world/

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