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Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician and inventor.

He is considered to be one of the gratest painters and most talented person in history. Leonardo da Vinci lived between 15th and 1 th centuries. He was born in town of Vinci, in !lorence "his name Leonardo da Vinci means Leonadro from Vinci#. $ostly he is famous for his paintings. His wor%s &$ona Lisa', &(he Last )upper', &Vitruvian $an' are most recognised wor%s in the world. He is also famous for trying to create a first flying machine, a tan%, a solar power collector, wings, shoes for wal%ing on water and much more. Leonadro da Vinci illustrated a real Renaissance man because he was interested in many different sub*ects and had a huge talent. +s a person of Renaissance he loo%ed similarly to other people. (here are many pictures representing him as an old man. He had long gray hair and a long gray beard. He covered his head with a beret and wore classical Renaissance clothes , a long dar% tunic with wide sleeves and breeches with long white soc%s. It seems that Leonardo da Vinci was both mentally and phisically strong. He had his personal biographers who described him as a %ind, generous and attractive person. It is also said that he was persuasive. $oreover, he could withstand violence and bend iron with his right hand. Leonardo da Vinvi was interested in everything he did. He li%ed e-ploring environment, thin%ing how particular structures wor%. He also drew a lot. He e-pressed his ideas and concluded his e-periments with small detailed pictures. (o conclude, Leonardo da Vinci was a very talented person. He came up with astonishing ideas that nobody had before him. ./0 words
description of a famous person introduction: name- what the os famous for main body appearance charakter hobbiues his interests had wide variety. conclusion final coments

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