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The Advertisement de Sprite

Name: Katherine Baez Cedeño

Professor: Miguel Gonzalez Rodriguez
Course: English 115
The advertisement uses a fact or a reality to attract the attention of its
product. It also involves the feeling of love to convince to the society to purchase
its product. The message used is to communicate to the society of entertained
and original way a situation of the daily life. By is method, people can possible
feel identify and be able to appreciate the product. It is a way to satisfy the
society and to try to win the competition. This fetter looks for a way to persuade
the purchase of the product. They never pause to be able to achieve their
objective. These commercial present different situations by young people which
allow the public recognize the campaign and identify themselves. The
communication used by this commercial is directed to those people who value
the honesty, transparency, the capacity to laugh of themselves and of the things
that happen in these days. The intention of the source about the communication,
in this advertising case of Sprite, is to transmit an idea and to convince to the
other that they consume this product. Sprite knowledge has recognized the
needs of the adolescents, affiliation and identity, and it has reflected it in the
campaign “the things like are”, identifying particular and “not commented”
situations through which these in the publicity usually pass the adolescents
shaping. Some aspects of the message are carried out by adolescents who allow
a easy identification, always dealing in a funny way and with the good humor,
obtaining a greater acceptance. This type of commercial allows adolescents
make them feel freely on their own beliefs and emotion in a particular way.
Adolescents are in a stage where they look for to prove diverse products and
sensations, by this, the advertisement has to find a original and entertain
commercial to get the people’s attention and convince them to purchase their
product.Final del formulario

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