LBI For Teacher (Book 1) Unit 19

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Song of rrr
Unit 19

Focus: Learning Standard(s): Objective(s):

Listening and Speaking 1.1.1 (f), 1.1.3, 1.2.1(a), 1.2.2 (a) {SK & SJK} By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i. say the phoneme /r/ correctly; ii. sing a song with guidance; and iii. identify pictures with the phoneme /r/. 30/60 minutes Picture cards, worksheet

Time: Teaching Aid(s):

Cross Curricular Element(s): Multiple Intelligences Introduction: a. Greet pupils: b. Encourage pupils to reply. Set Induction: a. Sing a song a few times. (Appendix 1) b. Pupils listen and repeat. Step 1: a. Introduce the phoneme /r/ by showing an action. b. Be a lion and say rrr. c. Get pupils to do the action and say /r/. d. Get pupils to trace the letter r. e. Demonstrate how to sound it out: Your tongue lifts up in the back of your mouth. It sounds like a car going fast. Step 2: a. Show picture cards and say aloud. (Appendix 2) b. Get pupils to say the words with guidance. Ask pupils to observe you. Do it a few times to different groups.


Step 3: a. Point to the pictures and pupils say aloud. b. Next, get pupils to show the action for the phoneme /r/. c. Get them to articulate the sound. Step 4:

Focus words: rose, room, rod, red, rabbit, rat, rice, root

a. Get pupils to colour the pictures on page 112 in their module as they listen to you. (Appendix 3) b. Say words with the /r/ sound. Example : 1. rice, rod 2. rose. rat 3. root, robot 4. rabbit , room c. Pupils colour the pictures correctly. Consolidation: a. Get pupils to do the action for the /r/ sound and say /r/. b. Get pupils to sing the song again. Closure: a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils. b. Pupils respond appropriately.



Song of rrr Rose, room, rod and red, /r/, /r/, /r/, /r/, /r/, Rabbit, rat, rice and root, /r/, /r/, /r/, /r/, /r/.
(Tune :Row, row, row your boat)




Name : Listn to your teacher. Colour the pictures

Year :


Focus: Learning Standard(s): Objective(s):

Reading 2.1.2(d) /r/, 2.2.1(a) {SK & SJK} By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i. say the phoneme /r/ correctly; and ii. identify pictures with the phoneme /r/. 30/60 minutes Picture cards, word cards

Time: Teaching Aid(s):

Cross Curricular Element(s): Multiple Intelligences Introduction: a. Greet pupils. b. Pupils reply. Set Induction: a. Invite pupils whose names begin with the /r/ sound to the front. b. Say the pupils / pupils name(s) and articulate the /r/ sound. Example: Teacher : What is your name? Pupil : My name is Rozita. Teacher : Rozita, /r/. Step 1: a. Sing together with pupils the song learnt in the previous lesson. (Appendix 1) b. Pupils sing with actions / musical instruments. Step 2: a. Get a pupil to choose and hold a picture card. (Appendix 2) b. Show the word card. (Appendix 4) c. Put the picture card and word card on the board. d. Pupils say aloud the words. e. Repeat steps 1 4 for all the picture cards.


Step 3: a. Put up word cards on the board. b. Point to a word card on the board. c. A pupil comes to the front and chooses the correct picture card. d. He or she shows it to the class, says the word and sounds out /r/. e. The other pupils repeat the word. f. Repeat steps 1 4 for all the word cards. Step 4: a. Get pupils to match pictures to the correct words on page 113 in their module. (Appendix 5) Consolidation: a. Pupils sing the song with actions for the /r/ sound. Closure: a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils. b. Pupils respond appropriately.



rose rod rabbit rice


room red rat root

Name : Match the pictures to the words.

Year :

room rabbit rose red rice rod rat root


Focus: Learning Standard(s): Objective(s):

Writing 3.1.1 (c), (f), (g), 3.1.2 (a), (d) {SK & SJK} By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i. write the letter r correctly; and ii. trace and write the words learnt correctly. 30/60 minutes Picture cards, word cards, worksheet

Time: Teaching Aid(s):

Cross Curricular Element(s): Multiple Intelligences Introduction: a. Greet pupils. b. Pupils reply. Set Induction: a. Show pupils to draw strokes going down and curves going up. Example:


b. Pupils follow the teacher by drawing strokes and curves in the air. Step 1: a. Be a lion and say the /r/ sound. b. Distribute a blank piece of paper and crayons. c. Pupils draw strokes and curves on the paper. Step 2: a. Teacher shows picture cards and gets pupils to say the words. b. Next, teacher says /r/ .r Example :

rose /r/ .r c. Repeat with other words learnt. (Appendix 2 & 4) Step 3: a. Guide pupils to trace and write the letters neatly on page 114 in their module. (Appendix 6) Consolidation: a. Pupils sing the Song of rrr with the action for the /r/ sound. Closure: a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils. b. Pupils respond appropriately. * (The teacher may put up the picture cards and word cards on the English section of the notice board / word wall.)



Trace and write neatly


Focus: Learning Standard(s): Objective(s):

Language Arts 4.1.1, 4.3.1(b), 4.3.2 (b) {SK & SJK} By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i. listen and enjoy the action song; ii. produce a little book; and iii. sing or do the actions for the song. 60 minutes picture sheet, a little book, song sheet

Time: Teaching Aid(s):

Cross Curricular Element(s): Multiple Intelligences Introduction: a. Greet pupils. b. Pupils reply. Set Induction: a. Pupils sing the Song of rrr with the action for the /r/ sound. Step 1 : a. Sing a song with actions and pupils observe. (Appendix 7) b. Sing the song a few times. Step 2: a. Explain to pupils that they are going to make a little book. b. Distribute the picture sheets to the pupils. c. Pupils colour the pictures. d. Then, they cut out the pictures. e. Next, distribute the little books made by you. f. Pupils paste the cut out pictures in their little books. g. After that pupils write the words under each picture. h. They also have to write their names on the front cover of their books.


Consolidation: a. Pupils show their little books to the class. b. Pupils sing the song again. c. Pupils follow or do the action for the song. Closure: a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils. b. Pupils respond appropriately.



Rats like to run Rats like to run, Rats like to run, Run, run, run, Run, run, run, Running to the rice pot, Running to the rice pot, Run, run, run, Run, run, run,
(Tune: Are you sleeping?)


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