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Please type all information Name: Emma Van Diest Content Area(s): Physical education Estimated Time: 42 min

rade !e"el(s): #$%2

NA&PE &tandard(s): Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor s'ills and mo"ement patterns needed to perform a "ariety of physical acti"ities( Standard 2: Participants demonstrate an understandin) of mo"ement concepts* principles* strate)ies* and tactics as they apply to the learnin) and performance
of physical acti"ities( Standard 5: Participants e+hi,it responsi,le* personal* and social ,eha"ior that respects self and others in physical acti"ity settin)s(

Achie"ement Tar)ets: &tudents -ill learn ho- to correctly ser"e a "olley,all( &tudents -ill -or' on team-or' and communication durin) the )ame of "olley,all( &pecial Plannin).Preparations (i(e( safety concerns* etc(): Procedures /ntro$Acti"ity: hi)h fi"in) 0arm$up: 1o) t-o laps around the )ym doin) 2 up$do-ns at each corner( 4ules: Teach the ,asics of the four types of ser"es* underhand* o"erhand* 3ump float* and spin ser"e( Time 2 min 2 min %5 min Volley,all* and "olley,all net( Materials Adaptations/Modifications for Students Diverse Needs Anyone -ith a sprained -rist should a,stain or use other -rist( Anyone student -ith 3oint pro,lems may -al' their laps around the )ym( Anyone -ith hearin) disa,ilities -ill ,e issued an interpreter( Anyone -ith a sprained an'le should not parta'e in the 3ump ser"es(

Acti"ity: !et the students practice each ser"e a fe%2 min times and once e"eryone pretty much has it do-n* they -ill play a )ame of "olley,all to further their practice ser"in)(

Endin) Acti"ity.Cool$do-n: &tudents stand in a circle passin) the "olley,all ,ac' and forth -ithout it touchin) the )round(

2 min

Anyone -ith a sprained -rist should a,stain or use other -rist( Anyone -ith hearin) disa,ilities -ill ,e issued an interpreter(

Closure: 6rin) the class to)ether to recap on -hat they 2 min -or'ed on( References: ttp://!!!"#outu$e"com/!atc %v&'v1mA1s(p)*

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