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Please type all information Name: Emma Van Diest Content Area(s): Physical Education Estimated Time: 40 mins

rade !e"el(s): Elementary

NA#PE #tandard(s): Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor s$ills and mo"ement patterns needed to perform a "ariety of physical acti"ities% Standard 2: Participants demonstrate an understandin& of mo"ement concepts' principles' strate&ies' and tactics as they apply to the learnin& and performance
of physical acti"ities% Standard 5: Participants e(hi)it responsi)le' personal' and social )eha"ior that respects self and others in physical acti"ity settin&s%

Achie"ement Tar&ets: #tudents *ill *or$ on team*or$% #tudents *ill learn the rules and court dimensions of pic$le )all% #tudents *ill *or$ on endurance% #pecial Plannin&+Preparations (i%e% safety concerns' etc%): Procedures ,ntro-Acti"ity: #pell out pic$le)all *ith the parachute% .ith e"ery letter raise the parachute into the air and once spelled correctly ha"e the student pull it under themsel"es creatin& a )u))le% .arm-up: Play mouse trap *ith the parachute% 0ules: There *ill )e four cones per-team set up lon& *ays do*n the &ym floor' on e"ery cone there *ill )e an action taped to it% The *hole team &oes throu&h Time / min Materials Parachute Adaptations/Modifications for Students Diverse Needs

/ min / min


these actions to&ether as they ma$e their *ay do*n the court to the opposite )ase line' and once they1"e reached the opposite )ase line they are to pic$ up a pic$le)all paddle *hich *ill ha"e a rule taped to it% No *ith this paddle the teams must leap from )ac$ across the &ym to the startin& )ase line *here there is a hula hoop filled *ith )alls that say either true or false on them and they must match the correct ans*er to their rule% The teams *ill continue to do this until there are no more paddles left to retrie"e% Acti"ity: 2)stacle rule match% 3/ min ym' pic$le)all paddles' *affle )alls' and a hula hoop% 4alls and parachute NA ,f there is a student *ith a pulled muscle ha"e them *ith stain from any acti"ity that could a&&ra"ate it%

Endin& Acti"ity+Cool-do*n: Air-conditioner *+parachute% Closure: 4rin& students in to reflect on *hat they learned and *or$ed on today%

/ min / min

,f there is a hearin& impaired student ha"e an interpreter at the ready%

References: ttp://!!!"pelin#s$u"or%/teac in%/para" tm

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