Medsurg Case Study Appendix B

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Appendix B: Medications Name Use/Purpose Urecholine (bethanechol) Cholergenic agent, treats urinary/bladder problems Antibiotic

Food/Drug Interactions None

Side Effects Nausea, omiting, headache, ision changes, di!!iness, stomach cramps, gas, diarrhea, urge to urinate o"ten Anorexia, oral candidiasis, increased gastric motility, epigastric distress, nausea, omiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea *ry mouth, increased gastric emptying, nausea, diarrhea, constipation Nausea, bloating, cramps, "latulence, diarrhea, increased stool "re2uency $ith high dose *ry mouth, stomatitis, 5#&*, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, constipation *ry mouth, nausea, omiting, constipation *ry mouth, dyspepsia, decreased gastric emptying, nausea, omiting, 5#&*, abdominal pain, diarrhea, "latulence *ecreased pepsin acti ity, constipation, cramps


Caution $ith grape"ruit and related citrus%

&eglan (metoclopramide) Miralax (polyethylene glycol)

Antiemetic, antigerd, diabetic gastroparesis treatment +axati e, osmotic

'yrup "orm incompatible $ith some ()% ,igh "iber $ith -.//01/// m+ "luid/day to pre ent constipation% None

'piri a (tiotropium)

Bronchodilator, anticholinergic "or C34* treatment Antihistimine, anti ertigo, antiemetic Chloride channel acti ator "or chronic idiopathic constipation

4henergan (prometha!ine) Amiti!a (lubiprostone)

6ncreased need "or ribo"la in% ,igh "iber $ith -.//01/// m+ "luid/day to pre ent constipation% Bland diet may be recommended% (a7e Ca or Mg supplement or antacids separately by 8/ minutes or more%

Cara"ate (sucral"ate)

Antiulcer, gastric mucosa protectant


Corticosteroid, anti0 in"lammatory, immunosuppressant, hormone, glucocorticoid

*ecreased Na, increased Ca, itamin *, and protein% May need increased 9:, itamin A, C, or 4% +imit ca""eine to decrease 56 e""ects% May decrease absorption o" )e and itamin B-1% Caution $ith grape"ruit and related citrus%

4rotonix (pantopra!ole)

Antigerd, antisecretory

&e atio (sildena"il)

+asix ("urosemide)

4ulmonary arterial hypertension treatment, erectile dys"unction treatment, se ere &aynaud;s syndrome treatment *iuretic, antihypertensi e

#sophagitis, nausea, omiting, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, bloating, 56 bleeding/per"oration, increased appetite and $eight, negati e N balance d/t pro catabolism, Ca $asting $ith long term use% *ecreased gastric acid secretion, increased gastric p,, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea *yspepsia, gastritis, diarrhea%

4ro entil (albuterol) Aspirin

Antiasthma, bronchodilator Analgesic, antipyretic, antiarthritic, N'A6*, to pre ent C<A or M6

6ncreased 9:, Mg, decreased 7cal, Na may be recommended% A oid natural licorice% +imit ca""eine/xanthine 6nsure ade2uate "luid inta7e/hydration% 6ncrease "oods high in itamin C and "olate $ith long term dose% A oid/limit natural products that a""ect coagulation (garlic, ginger, ging7o, ginsent, horse chestnut)%

Anorexia, increased thirst, oral irritation, cramps, nausea, omiting, diarrhea, constipation 6ncreased appetite, anorexia, peculiar taste, sore/dry throat Anorexia, may cause sudden serious gastric bleeding, nausea, omiting, dyspepsia, blac7 tarry stools

4la2uenil (hydroxychoro2uine)

Antimalarial, antiarthritic (rheumatoid), lupus treatment Mineral supplement, phosphate binder Mineral supplement, antacid, laxati e, osmotic Antiemetic, antinauseant 4ulmonary arterial hypertension treatment

+imit ca""eine to decrease 56 e""ects None

Citrical:* (calcium citrate) Mag03x (magnesium oxide) =o"ran (ondansetron) (racleer (bosentan)


Anorexia, decreased $eight, blue/blac7 mouth, nausea, omiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea None

4rini il (lisinopril)

Antihypertensi e

Apresoline (hydrala!ine)

Antihypertensi e, C,) treatment, asodilator

4eri0Colace/'eno7ot0 '

+axati e, stool so"tener

(a7e "iber, "olate, Chal7y taste, nausea, or )e supplement omiting, cramps, separately by at diarrhea least 1 hrs% None *ry mouth, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea None Nausea, omiting, stomach pain, headache, "lushing, s$elling o" "eet/an7les/legs, di!!iness, "atigue 6nsure ade2uate Anorexia, decreased "luid $eight, dysgeusia, inta7e/hydration% dry mouth, nausea, *ecreased Na, omiting, abdominal 7cal may be pain, constipation, recommended% diarrhea A oid salt substitutes% Caution $ith 9: supplement% A oid natural licorice% *ecreased Na, Anorexia, 7cal may be increase/decease in recommended $eight, increased A oid natural thirst, dry mouth, licorice% unpleasant taste, nausea, omiting, 56 distress, diarrhea, constipation ,igh "iber $ith Alters intestinal -.//01/// m+ absorption o" $ater "luid/day to and electrolytes,

pre ent constipation%

bitter taste, throat irritation, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, rash

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