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By Stephane Bouclier
Table of Contents

1. Introduction.

2. S.W.O.T Analysis.

2.1 What are the STRENGTHS of the existing logo?

2.2 What are the WEAKNESSES of the existing logo?

2.3 What OPPORTUNITIES are there from re-branding?

2.4 What THREATS are there from not re-branding?

3. Examples of companies that have re-branded.

3.1 Air France.

3.2 American Airline.

4. How we are going to do it?

5. Timelines.

6. References.
1. Introduction/Background:

To keep up with the times and keep pace with changing consumer needs, I have
decided to re-brand Korean Air Logo. Korean Air brand has become old-fashioned
and is in danger of stagnation. This company needs some fresh air…

2. S.W.O.T Analysis

2.1 What are the STRENGTHS of the existing logo?

The 2 main democratic colours Red and Blue will always be strong and catchy.

2.2 What are the WEAKNESSES of the existing logo?

Korean Air’s Yin and Yang Logo is obsolete and is too similar to Pepsi Cola

Korean Air Pepsi Cola

2.3 What OPPORTUNITIES are there from re-branding?

To keep up with the times, fashion and customer needs and to generally
improve Korean Air competitiveness.

2.4 What THREATS are there from not re-branding?

Korean Air is facing a loss of customers and parts of the air market.
3. Examples of companies that have re-branded.

3.1 Air France

Very Old Logo Old Logo Actual Logo

3.2 American Airline

Very Old Logo Old Logo Actual Logo

4. How we are going to do it?

Korean Airline needs to move beyond its image as a mainframe

airline company and reinvented itself, and its brand, as an airline
company known for delivering quality service in the fast growing air
market space. The company will be reorganized and a new
marketing campaign will be put in place to communicate the
changes to consumer.

The logo is going to be updated but we will keep the 2 main strong
colors Red and Blue.
5. Timelines:

The design and creation of a new logo may take one or two weeks to be

The total re-branding of Korean Air will take approximately 3 months to be


6. References.

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