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Name: Emma Van Diest Content Area(s): Physical Education

Estimated Time: 50 min Grade Level(s): 4-5 Grade

Standard(s): NASPE Standard(s): Standard 1: Demonstrates com etency in motor s!ills and mo"ement atterns needed to er#orm a "ariety o# hysical acti"ities$ Standard 2: Partici ants demonstrate an understandin% o# mo"ement conce ts& rinci les& strate%ies& and tactics as they a ly to the learnin% and er#ormance o# hysical acti"ities$ Standard 5: Partici ants e'hi(it res onsi(le& ersonal& and social (eha"ior that res ects sel# and others in hysical acti"ity settin%s$ Achievement Targets (O !ectives): Students )ill ractice team)or!$ Students )ill ractice their (o)lin% s)in%$ "aterials#E$%i&ment: *hat s ecial e+ui ment )ill (e used in this lesson,

'roced%res -ntro Acti"ity: Dynamic stretchin%& side s!i arm s)in%& !nee ulls& and arm circles

Time 5 min NA


*arm-u : .elly ta%$ /he students )ill artner u and lay on their (ellies on the #loor& t)o students )ill (e u & one is the ta%%er and one is runnin% a)ay #rom the ta%%er& the runner tries to lay do)n ne't to a air on the #loor to %et someone else u to (e the runner$ Acti"ity Descri tion: .attle .o)lin%$ Di"ide the class into t)o teams& and ha"e t)o #ull sets o# (o)lin% ins set u under the (as!et(all hoo s$ 0a"e one %oalie at eat set o# ins& and only the %oalie is allo)ed inside the !ey to rotect the (o)lin% ins$ /he only )ay you can !noc! the (o)lin% ins do)n (y usin% a ro er (o)lin% s)in%$ *hile tryin% to !noc! the ins do)n there is a %ame o# dod%e (all %oin% on& and re"en%e is allo)ed$ 3earnin% 3esson Acti"ity: .attle .o)lin%$ 5losure65ooldo)n: )al! t)o la s

5 min

NA /)o 1erseys #or %oalies& 20 (o)lin% ins& and dod%(alls

45 min 5 min

/)o 1erseys #or %oalies& 20 (o)lin% ins& and dod%(alls

7e#erences: - thou%ht o# it$ Assessment: *ill (e added in at a later date$

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