Lesson Five

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Name: Emma Van Diest Content Area(s): Physical Education Standard(s):

Estimated Time: 50 min Grade Level(s): 4-5 grade

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Participants demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 5: Participants exhi it responsi le, personal, and social ehavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Achievement Targets ( !"ectives): !tudents "ill "ork on their cardio vascular strength !tudents "ill "ork on their camaraderie #aterials$E%&i'ment: #$

(roced&res %ntro $ctivity& !kip, cra "alk, "alk ack"ards, and gallop.

Time 5


'arm-up& Packman tag. (ave the students run on the lines painted on the floor and have t"o taggers and once a student is tagged they must sit do"n and ecome a road lock. $ctivity Description& )ree*e tag. (ave t"o taggers running around the entire length of the gym, and have the class +ust running a"ay from them. ,nce a student is tagged they must free*e in their spot and to ecome unfro*en a fello" classmate must cra"l through their legs. -earning -esson $ctivity& )ree*e tag. /losure0/ooldo"n& 1et a drink, and "alk a fe" laps around the gym

.5 5


2eferences& 3y memory $ssessment& 'ill e added in at a later date.

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