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Momentum Practice Problems Calculate the momentum of the following.

Be sure to show all of your work and use correct units

1. a 17.00 kg bowling ball moving at 12.0 m/s down the lane.

2. a 75 kg s eed skater moving forward at 1! m/s

". a 1"5 kg ostrich running north at 1!.2 m/s

#. a 5.0 kg baby on a train moving eastward at 72 m/s

5. a 0.$ kg kitten running to the left at !.5 m/s

!. a #$.5 kg assenger on a train sto

ed on the tracks

7. %our new car has a mass of &00 kg' including you and your friends. (hat momentum does it have when traveling at !0 km/h due )orth*

$. +ind the momentum of another car going ,outh- it has a mass of 1"00 kg traveling at 70 km/hr.

&. .f the two cars were to have a head/on collision' what would the total momentum of both cars 0stuck together1 be immediately after the collision*

10. (hich direction would the stuck/together cars move* 23 lain.

11. (ould the stuck together cars be moving faster or slower than the cars would on their own*

12. 4 baseball' with a mass of 1 kg is hurtling towards you at "0 m/s. %ou are holding your bat

still while waiting for the ball to fly by. %our bat' with a mass of 10 kg' accidentally sto s the ball. .gnoring your arms and hands' how 5uickly will the ball move backwards* Before collision0baseball1 6 88888888 4fter collision7otal momentum 6

0baseball1 6 0bat1 6 0bat1 6

7otal momentum 6

,olve for velocity of bat-

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