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Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 STRUCTURE OF ATOM 1


Table 1 shows the incomplete information about 3 atoms; X, Y and Z. Atom X Y Z Proton number 6 17 Table 1 a! "tate the name of subatomic particles that are found in nucleus of an atom. #######################################. $1 mark% b! i! &hat is the term of the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom' ###################################.. $1 mark% ii! The total number of protons and neutrons for atom ( is 3). &hat is the number of neutron in atom (' ###################################.. $1 mark% iii! &rite the s*mbol for atom ( in the form of
A (

Number of neutron 8 6

Number of electron 6 17


#################################### $1 mark% i,! -raw the atomic structure of atom (.

$1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



Atom + and atom . are isotopes of an element. i! &hat is the proton number of atom +' #################################### $1 mark% ii! &rite the electron arran/ement of atom .. #################################### $1 mark% iii! &hat is ,alence electron of atom +' #################################### $1 mark% i,! &h* atom + and atom . has same chemical properties' #################################### $1 mark% ,! "tate one use of the isotope + in archaeolo/* field. #################################### $1 mark%

-ia/ram 0 shows the chemical s*mbols which represent three elements +, . and ( The letters used are not the actual s*mbols of the elements. 1 + 2 1) -ia/ram 0 a! i! &hat is meant b* proton number' ####################################.. $1 mark% "tate the proton number for atom + ####################################.. $1 mark% 30 . 1) 31 (


Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010


b! &hat is represented b* the number 30 for the element .' ###.#################################### $1 mark% c! i! Atom . and ( are isotopes. "tate the difference between the two atoms. ..##################################### $1 mark% ii! "tate one use of isotopes in dail* life. ######.############################### $1 mark% d! i! &rite the electron arran/ement of atom .. ####################################.. $1 mark% ii! -etermine the number of ,alence electron for atom .. ####################################.. $1 mark% ii! -raw the electron arran/ement for atom (.

$0 marks%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010


-ia/ram 3.1 shows the arran/ement of particles of substance + at different temperatures.

63 o4

-ia/ram 3

13 o4

a! &hat is the ph*sical state of substance + at i! ii! 63 o4 13 o4 5 ......................................................................... 5 ......................................................................... $0 marks% b! "tate the mo,ement of particles of substance + at 63 o4. ....#################################........##. $1 mark% c! 6raph 3.0 shows the /raph of temperature a/ainst time when substance + is heated from 63 o4 to 13 o4. Temperature 8 o4 13 78 63 t3 i! t1 t0 6raph 3.0 &hat is meant b* meltin/ point' ###################################.. #################################### $1 mark% ii! 7ased on 6raph 3.0, state the meltin/ point of substance +. #################################### $1 mark% t3 Time 8 s Masa/s

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



9:plain wh* the temperature remains constant from t 1 to t0. ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... $0 marks%



"ubstance + cannot conduct electricit* in an* state. "tate the t*pe of particles of substance +. ................................................................................................................................... $1 mark% Table 3.3 shows two substances. ;a/nesium o:ide 4arbon dio:ide Table 3.3 &hich substance has the same t*pe of particles as substance +' Tic< = ! the correct answer. $1 mark%


CHEMICAL FORMULAE & EQUATIONS 4 a! -ia/ram 2 shows that a ma/nesium atom is two times hea,ier compare to a carbon atom. >elati,e atomic mass of carbon is 10.

4arbon atoms Atom karbon -ia/ram 1 i! 4omplete the followin/ e?uation.

;a/nesium atom Atom magnesium

############.. @ The a,era/e mass of one atom of an element 1810 A the mass of an atom of carbonB10

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010

CHEMISTRY $1 mark%

ii! One atom of element + is two times hea,ier than one ma/nesium atom. &hat is the relati,e atomic mass of element +' ###########################................................................... $1 mark% b! A student heats 03 / of calcium carbonate stron/l*. Ct decomposes accordin/ to the e?uation below. 4a4D3 E 4aD F 4D0 i! "tate the name of the products. #######################################... $1 mark% ii! -escribe the chemical e?uation in terms of ?uantitati,e aspect. #######################################... #######################################... $1 mark% iii! 4alculate the mass of calcium o:ide produced. $ >elati,e atomic mass5 4 @ 10 ; D @ 16 ; 4a @ 23%

$3 marks% i,! 4alculate the ,olume of carbon dio:ide produced at room conditions. $;olar ,olume of /as @ 02 dm3 molB1 at room conditions%

$0 marks%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010


PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS & CHEMICAL BONDS 5 -ia/ram ) shows the s*mbols of the atoms of element +, . and (. The letters used are not the actual s*mbols of the elements.



3 11

11 -ia/ram )


&hat is the ,alence electron of the atom of element +. ##################################.......................... $1 mark%



Cdentif* the position of element . in the Periodic Table of 9lements. ##################################................ $1 mark% 9:plain wh* element . is placed at the position identified in b! i!. ##################################................ $1 mark%



9lement +, . and ( can react with water. i! &hich of the element most reacti,e in their reactions with water. ##################################................ $1 mark% ii! 9:plain *our answer in c! i!. ##################################............... ##################################............... ##################################............... $3 marks%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 iii!


&rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction between element that *ou choose in c! i! and water. ##################################............... $0 marks%


Ar/on is placed at the same period with element . in the Periodic Table of 9lements. i! 4ompare the atomic siGe ar/on and element .. $ 6i,en that proton number of ar/on is 18 % ##################################............... $1 mark% ii! 9:plain *our answer in d! i!. ##################################............... ##################################............... $0 marks%

-ia/ram 6 shows part of the Periodic Table of 9lements. H, T, +, . and ( do not represent the actual s*mbol of the elements. .

3 Q 7

2 T 1

6 X 10

7 Y 12

8 Z 16

-ia/ram 6 Isin/ the letters in the Periodic Table of the 9lements in -ia/ram 3, answer the followin/ ?uestions. a! i! &rite the electron arran/ement of atom H.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010


.......########################..######............................... $1 mark% ii! &rite the formula of ion H. .......########################..######............................... $1 mark% b! "tate one element which e:ists as a diatomic molecule. .......########################..######............................... $1 mark% c! i! Arran/e the elements H, T, +, . and ( accordin/ to the atomic siGe in descendin/ order. .......########################..######............................... $1 mark% ii! 9:plain *our answer in c! i! based on nuclei attraction force on the ,alence electrons. #####..################################# #####..################################# #####..################################# $ 0 marks% d! + reacts with ( to form a compound. i! &hat is the t*pe of the compound formed' #####..################################# $1 mark% ii! "tate one ph*sical propert* of the compound formed. #####..################################# $1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



iii! -raw the electron arran/ement for the compound formed.

$0 marks%


9lement + reacted with o:*/en to form a compound which cannot conduct electricit* at an* state. "u//est one e:ample of element +. &rite chemical e?uation between element + and o:*/en. $3 marks% Table 7 shows the proton number of elements P, H and >. E"e#en$ P H > Table 7 9:plain the formation of a compound that has hi/h meltin/ point. $6 marks% P%o$on n&#'e% 6 11 17


c! F water So"&$(on Y 4an conduct electricit* 4han/e litmus paper

F "ol,ent ) So"&$(on Z 4an not conduct electricit* No chan/e with litmus paper

Cdentif* I and sol,ent J. 9:plain the differences between two solutions.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010




S"#i%& 'hl"ri#e i! ii!

Car!"n #i"$i#e

"tate the t*pe of compound, t*pe of bond and t*pe of particles of two substances 9:plain the formation of carbon dio:ide and draw the electron arran/ement.

7. Table 7.1 shows the electron arran/ement of elements I, J and &.

E"e#en$ I J & Table 7.1

E"e*$%on +%%+n,e#en$ 0.6 0.1 0.8.1

a! 7ased on the Table 7.1, b! i! Cdentif* one metal and one nonBmetal element. $0 marks% ii! iii! "tate the /roup and period of element & in the Periodic Table of 9lements. $0 marks% The reaction between element I and & produces a compound.

"tate one propert* for the compound formed. -raw the electron arran/ement for the compound formed. $3 marks%

b! Table 7.0 shows the obser,ations of element J and element & when react with water. E"e#en$ Unsur O'-e%.+$(on Pemerhatian

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



9lement J Unsur V ) water air 9lement J, mo,es slowl* at random on the water surface with a little fiGGin/ sound. The solution formed turns red litmus paper to blue. 9lement & Unsur W / water air 9lement &, mo,es rapidl* at random on the surface of the water with a Khissin/L sound. The solution formed turns red litmus paper to blue. Table 7.2 i! ii! &rite the chemical e?uation when element J reacts with water. $3 marks% 4ompare the reacti,it* of elements J and & when react with water. 9:plain *our answer. $2 marks% c! -ia/ram 7 show the set up apparatus used to compare the electrical conducti,it* of solutions P and H. 7ulb li/hts up
Mentol menyala

7ulb does not li/ht up

Mentol tak menyala

4arbon electrode
Elektrod karbon

"olution H
Solution P Larutan P Larutan Q

Diagram 7

7ased on the obser,ations in -ia/ram 7, i! Cdentif* the t*pe of compound of solution P and solution H. $0 marks%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 ii!



9:plain wh* there is a difference in the obser,ations. $2 marks%

ELECTROCHEMISTRY 0 a! Table 8.1 show the set up of apparatus of two e:periments to in,esti/ate electrol*sis process b* usin/ different electrodes. E12e%(#en$

A22+%+$&- -e$3&2

C"**er ele'+r"#e, Elektrod kuprum C"**er-II. ,%l*ha+e ,"l%+i"n Elektrod kuprum Elektrod kuprum Car!"n ele'+r"#e,


Elektrod karbon C"**er-II. ,%l*ha+e ,"l%+i"n


Ta!le ( Jadual 8)1 4ompare and contrast 9:periment C and 9:periment CC. Cnclude in *our answer, the obser,ations at the anode and cathode, the name of the products formed at the anode and cathode and half e?uations for the reactions at the electrodes in both cells. $13 marks% c! A student intends to electroplate an iron spoon with copper to pre,ent it from rustin/. -esi/n a laborator* e:periment to electroplate the iron spoon. .our answer should consist of the followin/ Procedures of the e:periment. A labelled dia/ram showin/ the set up of apparatus. Malf e?uations for the reactions at both electrodes. Dbser,ation at both electrodes $8 marks% -ia/ram 7.1 shows the setBup of apparatus to in,esti/ate the electrol*sis of ma/nesium chloride 1.3 mol dmB3 solution.

Car!"n ele'+r"#e,

Magne,i%& 'hl"ri#e 1)0 &"l #&/3

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



-ia/ram 7.1 a! i! 7ased on -ia/ram 7.1, state the name of the products at the cathode and the anode. 9:plain *our answer in term of factor that affects dischar/e of ion. $8 marks% Predict the product at anode and cathode if ma/nesium chloride 1.3 mol dmB3 solution is replace b* ma/nesium chloride 3.3331 mol dmB3 solution. $0 marks%



-ia/ram 7.0 shows the set up of apparatus when cell X is combined with cell Y. V

C"**er *la+e

C"**er *la+e

Magnesium *la+e

C"**er-II. ,%l*ha+e ,"l%+i"n

Cell X

1iagra& 7)2

Cell Y

4ompare cell + and cell . base on ; the name of the cells, ener/* con,ersion, the obser,ations and half e?uations for the reactions at the electrodes in both cells. . $13 marks%

ACIDS AND BASES 5 a! -ia/ram 1 shows the obser,ation in test tube C and test tube CC when h*dro/en chloride in tetrachloromethane and h*dro/en chloride in water are reacted with Ginc powder.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



Test tube


Apparatus setBup Susunan radas M*do/en chloride in tetrachloromethane F Ginc powder Dbser,ation No chan/e. -ia/ram 1 i! "tate the ion that causes an acid shows its acidic properties. ################################........... $1 mark% ii! 9:plain wh* the differences in obser,ation in test tube C and CC. ################################........... ################################........... $0 marks% iii! "tate the name of the /as produced in test tube CC ################################........... $1 mark% i,! &rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction between Ginc and h*drochloric acid. ################################........... $0 marks% M*do/en chloride in water F Ginc powder 7ubbles of /as are produced.


Table 0 shows the information of the solution A, solution 7 and solution 4. "olution of A, 7 and 4 mi/ht be an acid and an al<ali. So"&$(on Larutan In4o%#+$(on Maklumat

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010




Conises completel*. The solution remain colourless when phenolphthalein is added. Conises partiall*. The solution remain colorless when phenolphthalein is added. Conises completel*. The solution turn to pin< when phenolphthalein is added. Table 0


&hich solution has the lowest pM' #################################### $1 mark%


6i,e a reason for *our answer in b! i!. #################################### $1 mark%

iii! Jine/ar consists of an ethanoic acid. -escribe a chemical test to ,erif* the acid without usin/ an indicator. #################################### #################################### $0 marks% 4 M*drochloric acid, M4l is a stron/ acid. Table 2.1 shows two solutions of h*drochloric acid, M4l with different concentration. "olution A 7 4oncentration 8 mol dmB3 1.3 3.331 Table 2.1 pM 1.3 3.3


what is meant b* acid ' #####################################..

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



#####################################.. $1 mark% b! pM ,alue of the solution A and 7 are different. 9:plain wh*. #####################################.. #####################################.. #####################################.. #####################################.. $3 marks% 3 B3 -ia/ram 2.0 shows the setBup of apparatus for titration of 0) cm of 1.3 mol dm sodium h*dro:ide solution with solution A, usin/ phenolphthalein as indicator.


S"l%+i"n 2

25 '&3 "3 1)0 &"l #&/3 ,"#i%& h4#r"$i#e ,"l%+i"n 1iagra& 4)2 i! 5 *hen"l*h+halein in#i'a+"r

"tate the colour chan/e of the solution in the conical flas< at the end point. ##################################... $1 mark%


"tate the t*pe of the reaction occurred. ##################################... $1 mark%


&rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction. ##################################... $1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010




4alculate the ,olume of solution A needed to neutralise the sodium h*dro:ide solution.

$3 marks% SALT ! a! A student has carried out an e:periment to construct an ionic e?uation for the formation of lead CC! iodide. "e,en test tubes of the same siGe were labelled 1 to 7. A fi:ed ,olume of ).3 cm 3 of 1.3 mol dmB3 potassium iodide solution was placed in each test tube. 3.) cm3 of 1.3 mol dmB3 lead CC! nitrate solution was added into test tube 1, 1.3 cm3 into test tube 0 and so on until 3.) cm3 was added into test tube 7. The hei/hts of the precipitate formed in each test tube were measured. The results are shown in Table 7.1 Test tube Jolume of 1.3 moldm lead CC! nitrate solution 8 cm3

1 3.) 1.1

2 1.3 0.0 Table 7.1

3 1.) 3.2

4 0.3 2.2

5 0.) ).) 3.3 ).)

! 3.) ).)

Mei/ht of precipitate 8cm


7ased on Table 7.1, plot a /raph of the hei/ht of the precipitate a/ainst ,olume of lead CC! nitrate solution on the /raph paper pro,ided. $3 marks%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 ii!


-etermine the ,olume of lead CC!nitrate solution that had reacted completel* with ).3 cm 3 of 1.3 mol dmB3 potassium iodide. $1 mark% Isin/ the ,olume obtained in a! ii!, calculate the number of moles of lead CC! ions and iodide ions that are re?uired for the formation of lead CC! iodide. Then, calculate the number of moles of iodide ions that has reacted with 1 mol of lead CC! ions. $2 marks%



&rite the ionic e?uation for the formation of lead CC! iodide. $0 marks%


-ia/ram 7.0 shows a series of reactions for compound A. 4ompound A is insoluble in water. C"&*"%n# A -6reen *"7#er. Hea+ C"l"%rle,, ga, B +%rn, li&e 7a+er &ilk4

8la'k *"7#er C

C"l"%rle,, ga, B 8l%e ,"l%+i"n 1

+%rn, li&e 7a+er &ilk4 1iagra& 7)2

i! "tate the name of substances A , 7 , 4 and -.

$2 marks%

ii! "tate the ion presence in solution - that /i,e the blue colour. -escribe a chemical test to ,erif* the ion.

$3 marks%


&h* does /as 7 turns lime water mil<*' &rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction occurred.

$3 marks%

-ia/ram 1 shows a series of reaction startin/ from lead CC! carbonate, Pb4D 3.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



Pb4D3 F MND3

S"l%+i"n 9 Larutan 9

6a, Y


Meat panaskan 6a, Y PbD F

4r*stallisation Penghabluran S"li# 9 Pepejal 9 -ia/ram 8 Ra ah 1


7ased on -ia/ram 1 5 Cdentif* /as .. -escribe a chemical test to ,erif* /as .. -escribe a chemical test to determine the presence of anion in the solution +. 4ompare and contrast the obser,ation when solid + and lead CC! carbonate, Pb4D 3 are heated.

MANUFACTURED SUBSTANCES 1 a! -ia/ram 1.1 shows ammonium sulphate formed from the reaction between substance + and substance .. "ubstance + is produced from 4ontact process whereas substance . from Maber process. C"n+a'+ *r"'e,, Proses Sentuh X 2&&"ni%& ,%l*ha+e Ammonium sulfat Ha!er *r"'e,, Proses Haber Y


-ia/ram 8 Ra ah 1.1 "tate the name of substance + and substance .. + 5 ############################ . 5 ############################ $0 marks%


"tate one use of ammonium sulphate in a/riculture field! ############################## $1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010




&rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction between substance + and substance .. ############################## $0 marks%


-ia/ram 1.0 shows the structure formula of a pol*mer.

M 4 M

C" 4 M n

-ia/ram 8Ra ah 1.0 i! "tate the name of the pol*mer. ############################## $1 mark% ii! -raw the structure formula of it monomer.

$1 mark% iii! -isposal of the pol*mer b* burnin/ is not suitable. 6i,e a reason. ############################## $1 mark% i,! The pol*mer is not suitable to be buried for disposin/. 6i,e a reason. ############################## $1 mark% ,! "u//est how to sol,e the problems in b! iii! and b! i,!. ############################## $1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 b!



There are four t*pes of /lasses that are used in our dail* li,es. i! Name the maNor component of /lass. #########.............. ###################..... $1 mark% ii! Table 0 shows three t*pes of /lasses and their uses. 4omplete the table. T62e o4 ,"+--7 Jenis kaca 7orosilicate /lass "a#a borosilikat ............................................. ############.

U-e- 7 Kegunaan 4oo<ware 8 Alatan memasak Oaborator* /lassware 8 Alatan ka#a makmal -ecorati,e lamp 8Lampu hiasan Prism 8 Prisma 7ottle 8 $otol ;irrors 8 %ermin Table 2 $0 marks%

&h* is borosilicate /lass suitable to ma<e coo<ware and laborator* /lassware' .........................########. ##################### $1 mark% 1 -ia/ram 1 shows railwa* trac<s and the arran/ement of atom in allo* that made the railwa* trac<s.


2+"& M Atom M 2+"& ir"n (Atom ferum 2ll"4 9 ( Aloi 9 -ia/ram 8 Ra ah 1 a! "tate the name of allo* +. ##################################..... $1 mark% b! "tate the name of atom ;.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



##################################..... $1 mark% c! i! -raw the arran/ement of atom in pure iron.

$1 mark% d! 9:plain the difference of hardness of allo* . and pure iron

RATE OF REACTION 2 -ia/ram 0 shows the setBup of apparatus to stud* the rate of reaction between h*drochloric acid with sodium tiosulphate solution. :!,er;er e4e

250 '&3 '"ni'al 3la,k S"#i%& +hi",%l*ha+e ,"l%+i"n <X= ,ign 1iagra& 2 + h4#r"'hl"ri' >hi+e *a*era'i#

Cn this reaction, a 0)3 cm3 conical flas< contained )3 cm3 of 3.0 mol dmB3 sodium thiosulphate solution, Na0"0D3 is placed on a white paper mar<ed with the K XL si/n. ).3 cm3 of 0.3 mol dmB3 h*drochloric acid was added to the sodium thiosulphate solution and the mi:ture swirled. At the same time the stopwatch was started. The time is ta<en as soon as the K XL si/n is no lon/er ,isible.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010




Cn this reaction, a precipitate is formed. &hat is the colour of the precipitate' #####################################.. $1 mark%


4alculate the number of moles of M4l and the number of moles of Na 0"0D3 used in the e:periment.

$0 marks%


The chemical e?uation for the reaction occurred in this reaction is 5 N+2S2O3 8 2HC" 9 2N+C" 8 S 8 SO2 8 H2O 7ased on the calculation in b! and the chemical e?uation abo,e, calculate the mass of the precipitate formed. $6i,en that the relati,e atomic mass of " @ 30%

$0 marks%


i! "tate $:o factors that affect the rate of reaction in this e:periment. ##################################...

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



##################################... $0 marks% ii! 7* usin/ an* one of the factor that *ou are stated in d! i!, e:plain how the factor that *ou are stated in d! i! affect the rate of reaction. ##################################... ##################################... ##################################... ##################################... ##################################... $2 marks% 5 a! Table 1 shows the data from 9:periment C, 9:periment CC and 9:periment CCC that were carried out to in,esti/ate the factors that affects the rate of reaction. Te#2e%+$&%e 7 ; C 33 T(#e $+<en 4o% +"" $=e #+,ne-(&# $o >(--o".e 7)3


Re+*$+n$9:cess h*drochloric acid F 3.0/ ma/nesium ribbon 9:cess h*drochloric acid F 3.0/ ma/nesium ribbon 9:cess h*drochloric acid F 3.0/ ma/nesium ribbon F copper CC! sulphate solution







Table 1 i! &rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction between ma/nesium and h*drochloric acid. 4alculate the ma:imum ,olume of h*dro/en /as produced. $ >elati,e atomic mass 5 ;/ @02 ; molar /as ,olume 5 02 dm3 molB1 at room condition % $) marks% 4ompare the rate of reaction between 9:periment C and 9:periment CC o% 9:periment CC and 9:periment CCC.


Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



&ith reference to collision theor* , e:plain wh* there is difference in the rate of reaction. $) marks% b! 7* usin/ either the factor of siGe of reactant o% concentration, describe an e:periment how this factor affectin/ the rate of reaction. $13 marks%

CARBON COMPOUND 1 -ia/ram 1 shows the structural formula of two of h*drocarbons.

M 4 M 9thene

M 4 M M

M 4 M

M 4 M M

compound Y -ia/ram 1


"tate the name of the homolo/ous series in which compound Y is placed. #####################################.. $1 mark%


&rite the /eneral formula of the homolo/ous series that *ou are stated in a!. #####################################.. $1 mark%


&rite the molecular formula of compound Y #####################################.. $1 mark%


&hat is obser,ation when bromine water is added to ethene ' #####################################.. $1 mark%


"tate the t*pe of reaction when bromine water is reacted with ethene.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



#####################################.. $1 mark% f! i! "tate the name of the products formed when ethene burnt completel* in e:cess o:*/en. ##################################... $1 mark% &rite the chemical e?uation for the reaction in f! i!. ##################################... $0 marks%



-ia/ram show structural formula of four h*drocarbons.

a! b! c! d!

&hich two of structural formulae are isomer. 9:plain *our answer. 4hoose one h*drocarbon abo,e, state the products formed when the h*drocarbon is burnin/ and write the e?uation in,ol,ed. -escribe a chemical test how to differentiate h*drocarbon A dan -. -escribe the preparation of ester eth*lethanoate

OXIDATIOAN & REDUCTION 5 -ia/am ) shows the setBup of apparatus to in,esti/ate the reaction between iron CC! sulphate solution and acified potassium dichromate JC! solution throu/h the transfer of electrons at a distance.

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



1iagra& 5


&hat is the colour of iron CC! sulphate solution' #####################################.. $1 mark%



&rite the half e?uation for the reaction occur at +. ##################################... $1 mark%


"tate the chan/e in o:idation number of iron. ##################################... $1 mark%


The incomplete half e?uation occur at . is 5 4r0D70B F ##. 4omplete the e?uation. F 6e E #4r3F F #M0D $1 mark% $1 mark%


Dn the dia/ram abo,e, show the direction of electrons flow.


.ou are pro,ided with the followin/ 5 8r"&ine 7a+er P"+a,,i%& i"#i#e ,"l%+i"n Car!"n ele'+r"#e, 8eaker P"r"%, *"+ C"nne'+ing 7ire

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



7* usin/ the /i,en materials and apparatus, draw the setBup of apparatus to in,esti/ate the redo: reaction throu/h transfer of electron at a distance.

$0 marks% ii! Dn *our dia/ram in e! i!, indicate the positi,e and ne/ati,e terminal. $1 mark% iii! "tate the chan/e in o:idation number for bromine in this reaction. ##################################... $1 mark% ). -ia/ram ) shows the setBup of apparatus to in,esti/ate the reaction occurred in test tubes A and 7.


Diagram 5 7ased on test tube A,


Name the reaction occurred. .................................................................................................................................. $1 mark%

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010 ii!



&rite the ionic e?uation for the reaction. ................................................................................................................................... $0 marks%


"tate a chemical test to ,erif* the product formed. ..................................................................................................................... ............. .................................................................................................................................. $0 marks%


7ased on test tube 7, i! "tate the obser,ation in,ol,ed. .............................................................................. .................................................... $1 mark% ii! 9:periment is repeated b* usin/ copper to replace Ginc. "tate the obser,ation in,ol,ed. ........................................................................................................ .......................... $1 mark%


4ompare the answer in b! i! and b! ii! and e:plain wh* there is a difference in the obser,ation. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. $0 mar<s%


&hen iron is e:posed to water and o:*/en, it rusts easil*. "tate one method to pre,ent the rustin/ of iron. .......................................................................................................................................... $1 mar<%

THERMOCHEMISTRY 1; a! -ia/rams 13.1 and 13.0 show two ener/* le,el dia/rams. Energy
Mg 5 ?eS:4 AHB - 200 kC

CaC:3 5 2@aCl

AHB 5 12)6 kC

MgS:4 5 ?e

CaCl2 5 @a2C:3

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



-ia/ram 13.1 i!

-ia/ram 13.0

4ompare both the ener/* le,el dia/rams abo,e. .our e:planation should include the followin/ 5 ionic e?uations t*pe of chemical reactions ener/* content of reactants and products $6 marks% 7ased on -ia/ram 13.1, calculate the chan/e in temperature of the solution if e:cess ma/nesium powder is added to )3 cm3 of 3.0 mol dmB3 iron CC! sulphate solution. $"pecific heat capacit* of solution 5 2.0 P / B1 o4B1%



$3 marks% Table 0.0 shows the heat released for 9:periment C, CC and CCC usin/ different acid that has been reacted with sodium h*dro:ide solution. E12e%(#en$ C=e#(*+" E?&+$(on C HC" F NaDM E Na4l F M0D CC CCC 4M34DDM F NaDM 4M34DDNa F M0D M0"D2 F 0NaDM Na0"D2 F 0M0D Table 0.0 7ased on Table 3.0, e:plain the difference in heat released between 5 i! ii! 9:periment C and 9:periment CC 9:periment C and 9:periment CCC He+$ %e"e+-e> @<AB )7 )2 112

$6 marks% -escribe a laborator* e:periment to determine the heat of displacement of metal b* a more electropositi,e metal. Cn *our description, include the followin/ aspects5 ;aterials and apparatus needed Procedure of e:periment A table to collect data 4alculation method $13 marks% CONSUMER 0 a! -ia/ram 8.1 shows the structure of anion parts of a soap and a deter/ent. These anions consist of part 2ni"n "3 a ,"a* A and part 7 as shown in the dia/ram. c!

2ni"n "3 a #e+ergen+

Ulangkaji Terakhir Menjelang SPM 2010



Part A -ia/ram 8.1 i!

Part 7

Name part A and part 7 of the anions. "tate the solubilit* of part A and part 7 in the cleansin/ action. $2 marks%


4ompare the effecti,eness of the cleansin/ action of the two anions shows in the dia/ram 8.1 in hard water. 9:plain *our answer. &rite an ionic e?uation to show the reaction of anion of soap in hard water. $6 marks%


-ia/ram 8.0 shows the label of soft drin<. Ingredient D >a+erE 'i+ri' a'i#E a,*ar+a&eE "'+4l !%+an"a+e an# +ar+aFine) Expiry date : 03 Jan 20

-ia/ram 8.0 7ased on the in/redient used, classif* the t*pe of food additi,es that contained in this soft drin<. $2 marks% c! A patient is sufferin/ from tuberculosis for a period of time. "u//est a t*pe of medicine that should be ta<en and the prescription should be followed b* the patient. $2 marks%

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