Chapter 16: Europe in The Late Middle Ages: Name: - Grade: - Date

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Chapter 16: Europe in the Late Middle Ages

Choose the right answer 1. The Crusades were a. Holy Wars b. Mass wars 2. What did the Europeans learn from Muslims? a. Science advances b. Religion c. The way they see the world 3. What is the Holy Land? a. A city b. A kingdom 4. Which Muslim group did the Christians defeat? a. Sufi b. Moors 5. A truce is an agreement to a. Give lands away b. Stop fighting 6. What is a surplus? a. A big group of b. An extra amount people of food 7. When someone changed one good for another, they a. Bartered b. Imported 8. Who formed the guilds? a. Specialized b. University workers students 9. Who was the most famous teacher from the Middle Ages? a. Thomas Aquinas b. Alexander the great 10. What did the cathedrals windows showed? a. Miracles b. Images of gods 11. What happened in the Black Death? a. People killed b. A plague struck their enemies Europe 12. Henry of Knighton _____________________ the Black Death a. Wrote about b. Cured the c. Infected others with

c. Economy wars

c. A place to pray c. Sunni c. Provide help c. A type of ritual

c. Exported c. The king and his knights c. Henry of Knighton c. Bible stories c. Cathedrals were destroyed

Pilar Lpez.

9th A.

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