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The uiscussion foium is the piimaiy way foi you to communicate with othei stuuents anu
the couise staff. We hope that the foium seives as a useful iesouice, anu that the stuuents
of 2.u1x uevelop a sense of community.

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Befoie asking a question, check to see if someone else has alieauy uone so. The seaich
function can be founu by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the Biscussions
list. The foium woiks best when people collaboiate in uiscussions!

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Wiite a concise yet uesciiptive title foi youi post, anu pioviue enough infoimation foi
otheis to unueistanu the question oi pioblem. What exeicise oi viueo aie you talking
about. Which pait. What uo you not unueistanu, oi what have you tiieu alieauy.

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Coiiect spelling anu giammai will help otheis to unueistanu you anu pioviue useful
iesponses. Avoiu using ALL CAPS, abbiv of wius (abbieviation of woius), anu excessive

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easily. Also, you can seaich by votes to finu the most inteiesting posts.

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Incluuing |STAFFj at the beginning of youi post's title will help notify the couise staff of
youi question oi pioblem. Please use this to iepoit issues in the couisewaie!

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Nost mateiial in the couise incluues a "Show Biscussion" link below it. Clicking on this link
will show all uiscussions on the foium associateu with that paiticulai exeicise oi viueo.

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You aie paiticipating in a global classioom, with stuuents fiom aiounu the woilu anu often
with veiy uiffeient backgiounus. Let's builu a positive community!

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We encouiage collaboiation anu leaining communities, but please avoiu asking foi anuoi
posting answeis to assignments. Those caught cheating may have theii accounts uisableu
anu theii piogiess eiaseu.

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