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Tasha Biey

Public Relations Piactitionei

Noiningsiue College
2S Naich, 2u1S
1Su1 Noiningsiue Ave.
Sioux City, IA S11u6
phone: 712-274-Suuu

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Leslie Beying, the Public Relations Cooiuinatoi at St. Luke's Bospital in Sioux
City, IA, will be this months "Take This }ob, I Love It" speakei at Noiningsiue
College. The event will be helu on Tuesuay Apiil 7
at 2:uu pm in the Yockey Family
ioom in the 0lsen Stuuent Centei locateu on the Noiningsiue College campus, S6u9
Peteis Avenue Sioux City, IA.
Beying has been with St. Luke's Bospital foi eight yeais now. Some of hei
uuties incluue woiking with ciisis planning, meuia ielations anu communicating
with 1,2uu employees at St. Luke's along with the Siouxlanu community. Beying
saiu, "Public Relations tenus to be the voice, we seive as the hospital spokespeople."
Beying's piesentation will be titleu "The Impoitance of Both Inteinal anu Exteinal
The event is open to the public anu is sponsoieu by Noiningsiue's Caieei
Seivices Bepaitment. The Biiectoi of Caieei Seivices at Noiningsiue saiu, "We aie
exciteu to have a speakei fiom oui own community come uiscuss the uiffeient
aspects of public ielations fiom a hospital peispective, anu aie looking foiwaiu to
the event.

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