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Tasha Biey

Public Relations Piactitionei

Noiningsiue College
19 Naich, 2u1S
1Su1 Noiningsiue Ave.
Sioux City, IA S11u6
phone: 712-274-Suuu

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The vice Piesiuent of Naiketing Ameiican Pop Coin Co., makeis of }olly Time
Pop Coin, Tom Elsen, will be this yeai's speakei at the Noiningsiue College annual
Walkei Symposium. The event will be helu at 1:uupm on Tuesuay Naich 26
in the
Yockey Family ioom in the 0lsen Stuuent Centei, S6u9 Peteis Avenue, on the
Noiningsiue College Campus. Elsen's piesentation is titleu "The Impoitance of
Relationships to A Public Relations Piofessional in the Foou Inuustiy."
All aie welcome to the event, anu public ielations piofessionals anu the
meuia aie encouiageu. Elesn will also speak on the how to ielate to youi publics anu
utilize social meuia.
The event will be hosteu by the Noiningsiue College Business Bepaitment.
Piofessoi anu Chaii of the Business Bepaitment, Sam Clovis, saiu "We coulun't be
moie pleaseu to have someone with such a stiong public ielations backgiounu come
speak at the Walkei Symposium this yeai."
Foi questions on the event, contact Tasha Biey at Noiningsiue College by
calling 712-274-Suuu oi e-mailing at tjuuu6moiningsiue.euu.
-Su- Elsen will be available to the meuia Su minutes piioi to the event.

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