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Khimji Kunverji & Co.

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Chartered Accountants

Date: 05/06/2013 Shri Saiyukt Jain Vidyarthi Gruh Plot No 64, S !S College, C " Shah #ha$an, Jain Society, Sion, %u&'ai ( 4)))** Dear Sir, Mr. Karan Deepak Shah has been registered as an Articled Assistant in !r "ir# $ith e""ect "r # 14/02/2011 to 13/02/2014. %is registrati n & . is WRO0324754. %e gets 's 6000/( p# as stipend. %e $ill appear " r his )A *inal e+a# in & , 2013. -here" re $e $ !ld re.!est / ! t gi,e hi# ad#issi n " r c!rrent /ear. 0e ass!re / ! that he $ill abide b/ all r!les and reg!lati ns " / !r instit!ti n and #aintain Discipline in the instit!ti n. 0e als !ndertake t inti#ate / ! in case his articleship is ter#inated b/ the *ir#. -hanking 1 ! 1 !rs "aith"!ll/, * r Khi#2i K!n,er2i 3 ) . )hartered Acc !ntants

Dharini Shah 4artner M(& .5*(1156178

Seal " the *ir#

Sunshine Tower, Level 19, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone T'91 (( #(1#%%$)%1)%()%% E*in+o, /*

oa!, Mum"ai #$$$1%, &n!ia

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