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ASSIGNMENT Schools should ask students evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

Use speci ic reasons and e!a"ples to support your ans#er. Minh $huong Essay: We have already applied grading and scoring systems to evaluate students academic achievement. However, from an opposite view, should we ask student to assess their teachers? In my view, students assessments should only e given in some areas as a enchmark for teachers to make plans to suit their student est in the light of their un iased attitude. Initially, students appear to e hasty and one!sided in making "udgment ecause of their immaturity. #s a result, they are easy to e under the misapprehension that their teachers dislike them y giving them low grades or ecause of their strictness while the fact is "ust the opposite, ecause their teachers strictness may e attri uta le to their innate temperament or a re$uirement of their method of teaching. #nother pro lem arises here is that students are fickle. # case in point is their affection for a teacher at the very first place "ust ecause she is pretty and easygoing irrespective of her soporific lectures. Ironically, then, they change their minds and contend that she is prosaic ecause they "ust cant ear her insipidity for a long time. %ltimately, on the other hand, like students, teachers themselves need to e fle&i le. 'le&i ility allows teacher to improve themselves according to a practicle standard($uality rather than academic standards they achieved in their courses at university. )hese $ualities help them improve a more interesting lesson or changing teaching methods etween groups(kinds of students. *y English teacher, for instance, applied the same method. + years ago, my class was so uncommunicative and we are not motivated to learn English. ,etermined to solve that pro lem, she asked us to give feed ack on how and what we wanted her to teach. #ccordingly, her change of teaching methods was so effective that we did not only learn more enthusiastically ut our relationship was also consolidated. In summary, everything has two faces "ust like the two sides of the same coin. We can not e&pect students to give accurate and dispassionate evaluations of their own teachers. -onetheless, some remarks on the manners or methods applied to a group of students can serve our(our purpose of esta lishing an interactive educational system.

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