Solutions To Home Work Test/Chemistry: Periodic Table HWT - 1

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Vidyamandir Classes

Solutions to Home Work Test/Chemistry

Periodic Table
5.(C) 6.(B) 8.(C) Read NCERT Check the positions of the given elements from periodic table and use the rules of size i.e. as we go across the periodic table size decreases and as we go down the periodic table size increases. Fluorine is the most electronegative atom.

HWT - 1

Periodic Table
1.(B) 4.(B) 5.(D) 7.(A) 10.(A) Read NCERT (XIth) Page No. 315 (p-Block Elements)

HWT - 2

Electronic configuration with exactly half filled orbital have very high ionization energy.

Nitrogen has exactly half filled electrons which makes pulling an electron from it even more difficult than oxygen. Lower the size of cation and higher the charge on it, more it its hydration energy. Check the position of Polonium in the periodic table. Po shows +6, +4, +2, 2 states in general but majorly it shows +4 state. It is considered to be a metalloid with properties similar to Tellurium and Bismuth.

Periodic Table
5.(B) 6.(C) Read NCERT (XIIth)

HWT - 3

Li (g) Na (g) K (g) but Li (aq.) Na (aq) K (aq.)

(i.e. in aqueous medium the order reverses) You will understand this when you study electrochemistry in XIIth Class.


Though adding an electron to N2 will also make it attain noble gas configuration but adding a third electron to the same atom without adding any protons is very difficult as the incoming third electrons will be highly repelled by the already present electrons. Converting O to O 2 will be the relatively easy.

Periodic Table
3.(C) 6.(D) 9.(D)

HWT - 4

If anions and cations have huge dissimilarly in their size then their lattice enthalpy will be low. Read Inert Pair effect from NCERT XIth Unit-11 Page No. 307 Read XIth NCERT Unit 3 Radii of transition elements remain nearly the same.

VMC/Periodic Table



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