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982000 ha

150 amphibian species 121 reptile species 598 bird species 169-204 mammals species 2113-3100 flora

Waorani: Tangaeri Taromenane

Larrea, and Warnars,(2009), p.195

655 tree species



(UNESCO) Man and the Biosphere Reserve

Since 1970 oil economy is the pillar of Ecuadors economy

Ecuadors President Rafael Correa

2007 Ban the exploitation

ITT Initiative

Hydroelectric Wind


Development plan

Geothermal Reforestation Indigenous Territories(36%)


Larrea,. and Warnars,(2009), p.221


Current Situation of Yasun-ITT

It was not charity that we sought. It was shared responsibility in the fight against climate change.the proposal was meant to awaken the conscience of the world and to generate a new reality. Sadly we have to say that the world has faild us

Two choices

100% of Yasuni and no resources to satisfy the urgent needs of our people.

99.9% of Yasuni and nearly 18 million to overcome poverty, especially in the Amazonia, paradoxically the region with the highest incidence of poverty.

The end of The Yasuni-ITT iniciative

Correa, (2013)p.5


If this initiative is apply in other biodiversity countries dependent of oil extraction the amount of prevented emissions and forest preservation will be very high. This initiative can be consider as an transition point to a more sustainable future.

Larrea,C. and Warnars,L.,(2009) Ecuador's Yasuni-ITT Initiative: Avoiding emissions by keeping petroleum underground,Energy for sustainable Development, pp.219-223. Correa,R.(2013), Announcement to the Nation Yasun ITT Initiative, Avaliable at:, pp. 1-8

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