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AQUINO, Xander B.

BS Accountancy 2 2:30-3:30 TThS

01 February 20, 2014

The Second Beatitude: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Mourning towards Unification with God)
The truth is that everything going to hurt you, this is what Bob Marley said. Implying that we are fragile thus there will be always a point of defenselessness and mournful moments in our life. But with whom we all pleased these challenges and difficulties to be took away? This is what the second beatitude is calling. Mourning describe as feeling of grief and sorrow is been a part of our lives. Life is not life if it only about happiness and no misery is being faced. We all suffer from sickness, heartaches, and even death of loved one. Unfortunately, we are under control of these situations. But when we mourn, there will be a realization that will lead us towards the loving God. Through this, we are being able to understand His existence. It is that for us to be comforted and be rescued upon what hurts us and for us to rule by Gods interventions. For He to offer gracefulness and salvation to restore the true image of God. With these nutshells, I asked myself, Do God really comes in my life that He comforted me and bring from being nothing into everything? Definitely, a big YES! Having thousand years of life experiences such as family problems, school related issues, and even loving someone without being loved in return, I think it justifies all. It is that problems may come and go, but God will always be with us and never leave us. Yes, everybody wants happiness and nobody wants pain. But if we undergo such, bear in mind that God will always be the rainbow after the little rain. Thus, let just place our hands over our heart. Feel the heartbeat of a purpose; were alive for a reason. Live without feeling of anxiety and mourning to begin living the true faith.

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