Annalise Lozo

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Annalise Lozo

Cell: (269) 838-4518 OBJECTIVE Teach the mentally an !hysically im!ai"e chil "en. EDUCATION #a$e%oo &i'h (chool) #a$e * essa) +ichi'an ,-!ecte '"a .ation +ay) 2015

,/,(0 Ca"ee" 1"e!a"ation Cente" at #ansin' Comm.nity Colle'e) #ansin') +ichi'an ,+( 2i"e (cience (e!tem3e") 2014 WORK EXPERIENCE Bagger) Ca"l6s (.!e" +a"$et) #a$e * essa) +ichi'an 7a' '"oce"ies an ca""y them o.t 8o" assistance SKILLS +a$in' ecisions Com!.te" ($ills 4 +ic"oso8t *88ice Team%o"$ Ty!in' +ana'in' con8lict 0.'.st 2013- !"esent

ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLIS MENTS Cla"$s9ille Co.nt"y 4-& cl.3 :onia Co.nty 4-& se"9ice cl.3 (occe" team at #a$e%oo 1.3lic (chools

Annalise Lozo
Cell: (269) 838-4518 RE!ERENCES +s. (helley 1alme") +e ical 3ille" #ansin' +e"cy 0m3.lance 14;44 state " . #a$e * essa +: Tele!hone:269-838-3833 ,mail: shelley! 0l9in &a%ley) +echanic #a$e%oo 1.3lic (chools #a$e * essa +: /o-anne <"aham) 7.s ="i9e" #a$e%oo 1.3lic (chools #o%"ey " . (a"anac +:

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