Surah Ad-Duha Tafsir: Duha. Read The Story of This Surah and Then Practice Memorizing The Ayahs

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Surah Ad-Duha Tafsir

Every surah in the Quran has a story. In class you are memorizing the surah AdDuha. Read the story of this surah and then practice memorizing the ayahs.

Tell me facts about Surah Ad-Duha!

urah !l"#aun $as revealed to the %rophet #uhammad&sa$' in the city of Mecca. It is the ()rd surah in the Quran.

What is Surah Ad-Duha about?

*his surah $as revealed to the %rophet #uhammad &s' $hen he $as sic+. !fter he ,ecame sic+ the dis,elievers started saying that !llah has left him and hates him. !llah tells the %rophet #uhammad &s' in this surah that -e has not forgotten him and does not hate him. !llah also reminds the #uslims that .annah is ,etter than this life. !llah $ill give the %rophet #uhammad &s' things for his ummah in the ne/t life0 li+e the River of !l"1a$thar. !llah then mentions to the %rophet &s' that he too+ care of him $hen he $as an orphan and !llah ,lessed him $ith Islam and ,ecoming a prophet. o ,ecause of these ,lessings #uslims have to remem,er not to ,e mean to the orphans0 and not to ,e mean to people $ho as+ a,out Islam. !llah is reminding us to ,e than+ful to the things -e has given us.

Practice saying Surah Ad-Doha!

2. 3ad Doha 4y the forenoon &time ,et$een sunrise and noon"morning'

5. 3al layli idha sa6a 4y the night $hen it7s dar+

). #aa $ada7a +a ra,oo+a $a maa 8aala 9our :ord has not forgotten a,out you and does not hate you ;. 3alal a+hiratu +hayrul la+a minal oola Definitely the -ereafter is ,etter for you than the present. <. 3a la sofa you7tee +a ra,oo+a fatarDoa Definitely0 your :ord $ill give you and you $ill ,e happy =. !lam yagid+a yateeman fa a $a Didn7t -e find you an orphan and ma+e you safe> ?. 3a $a6ada+a Daa"lan fahada !nd -e found you not +no$ing0 and guided you> @. 3a $a6ada+a !aa"7ilan fa aghna !nd -e found you poor and made you rich> (. Aa amal yateema fala ta8 har o0 don7t ,e mean to the orphan 2B. 3a amas saa" ila fala tun har !nd don7t ,e mean to the one $ho as+s 22. 3a ama ,i ni7matee ra,i+a fa hadith !nd praise the grace of your :ord

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