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Disorders of Attention and Perception

Blindsight - Patients have the ability to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see Unilateral Spatial Neglect - Patients have normal visual acuity but fail to observe object or events to one side of the body Agnosia -The inability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss Classification of Agnosia Apperceptive Agnosia -Patients cannot draw an object, match similar objects, or even describe the component parts of the object despite normal visual acuity. -Posterior to Cerebral Hemisphere -Caused by Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Associative Agnosia -Patient is able to drawn an object or match similar objects and describe the component parts of an object yet is unable to recognize the object. Alexia -The inability to recognize written words. Prosopagnosia -Inability to recognize face. Simultagnosia -An individual is unable to pay attention to more than one object at a time. Spatial Agnosia -A person has severe difficulty in negotiating the everyday environment -Stem from lesion in the parietal lobe of the brain.

Color Agnosia -Inability to name colors Akinetopsia -Inability to perceive motion. Damage to How Pathway Optic Ataxia -Inability to use the visual system to guide movement Deficit in Color Perception Monochromacy -People with this deficit cannot see any color at all. Dichromacy -Deficit in color perception to a lesser degree than monochromacy.

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