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i v e

e s t
D i g e m
y s t
Gastroenterologist: Dr. Liana,
Dr. Jesus, Dr. Lisa, & Dr Evelyn
What is digestion ?
 Digestion is the process in which the
food you eat ,must be broken down
into chemicals that the body can use.

Flow Chart
How the digestive system
Food enters the mouth and broken
down by the saliva from the salivary
glands. Then it goes down to the
esophagus and to the stomach. The
leftovers go through the small
intestine, through the large intestine.
Overall Function: Chemical and Mechanical
breaking down of food into smaller
components, to a form that can be
How long does it take to digest
the food?
Food takes anywhere around 4-10

hours for food to leave your stomach

depending on the food.

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