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UNIT 1 General Vocabulary (numbers) Zero/nought in phone numbers 0 = oh and 22 = double two One Eleven Twenty-one forty Two Twelve Twenty-two Fifty Three Thirteen Twenty-Three Sixty Four fourteen Twenty-four Seventy Five fifteen Twenty-five Eighty Six sixteen Twenty-six Ninety Seven seventeen Twenty-seven a hundred Eight eighteen Twenty-eight a Thousand Nine nineteen Twenty-nine Ten twenty Thirty Vocabulary (nationalities) Spanish English / British Chinese German Italian Russian French Mexican American Argentinian Portuguese

Vocabulary (family members) Aunt Uncle Baby Brother Sister Child Children ta to beb hermano hermana nio/a nios/as grandfather grandmother Husband Wife niece nephew godson abuelo abuela marido esposa sobrina sobrino ahijado Mother mother in law father in law Stepmother Stepfather Grandson Granddaughter madre suegra suegro madrastra padrastro nieto nieta

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Cousin Daughter Son

primo/a Hija Hijo

goddaughter parent father

ahijada padres padre

Months of the year January February March April May June July August September October November December

Seasons Spring Summer Autumn winter

Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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UNIT 2 Vocabulary FOOD General Biscuits Milk An apple Sausages Fish Eggs Coffee Soup Jam Cereals Sugar Salt Pepper Crisps Chewing gum

Galletas leche una manzana Salchichas pescado huevos caf sopa mermelada cereales sugar sal pimienta patatillas chicle

rice toast bread cheese vegetables a banana orange juice tea fruit water Milkshake oil Vinegar sweets

arroz tostada pan queso vegetales un pltano zumo de naranja t fruta agua batido aceite vinagre caramelos

A glass of White wine un vaso de vino blanco A glass of red wine un vaso de vino rosado A bottle of beer una botella de cerveza Sparkling water agua con gas A cheese and tomato sandwich un sandwich de queso y tomate A tuna mayonnaise sandwich un sandwich de atn y mayonesa A cheeseburger and chips una hamburguesa de queso con patatas A mixed saladuna ensalada mixta A tuna salad una ensalada de atn Vegetable soupsopa de verduras Fish and chipspescado con patatas Chicken and chips pollo con patatas Spaghetti

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VOCABULARY OBJECTS Cup taza Glass vaso Fork tenedor Knife cuchillo Spoon cuchara Tea spoon cuchara de caf plate plato saucer platito ( de postre) bol bol tea pot tetera tablemesa napkinservilleta

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restaurant drive-in restaurant fast-food restaurant self-service restaurant bar pub cafe takeaway (GB) food meal hot meal full meal snack starter / entree main course dessert appetizer beverage bill (GB) bottle opener bread plate check (US) chef cook cup dinner dish dressing fork glass knife restaurante restaurante sin salir del coche restaurante de comida rpida restaurante de autoservicio bar, cantina, taberna pub, bar cafetera comida para llevar, restaurante que la vende comida comida comida caliente comida completa, de tres platos tentempi, bocadillo entrada, primer plato plato principal postre aperitivo bebida cuenta destapador plato de pan cuenta chef cocinero taza cena plato alio/condimento (de ensalada) tenedor vaso, copa cuchillo Aprende ingls de forma fcil y sencilla con

lunch menu fixed-price menu mug napkin on the rocks saucer soft drink spoon table tablecloth tankard tip tip included waiter waitress rare medium well done to ask for the bill to book a table to pay the bill to order to recommend Enjoy your meal! No smoking No pets allowed

almuerzo carta, men men de precio fijo jarro servilleta con hielo platito refresco cuchara mesa mantel jarra de cerveza propina servicio includo camarero camarera poco cocido (carne) medio cocido (carne) bien cocido (carne) pedir la cuenta reservar una mesa pagar la cuenta pedir recomendar Buen provecho! Prohibido fumar No se permite el ingreso de animales

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English expressions
When you go to a restaurant, you usually have a good idea of what's going to happen. That's because eating at a restaurant usually follows a set script. The wait staff isn't actually given a written script to memorize, of course. But even so, waiters and waitresses usually stick to a very narrow range of phrases. Here's what you can expect when you go to a restaurant. The host or hostess When you first go in, the host or hostess will want to know how many people are eating with you. They might ask: How many? Cuntos son? If they can see how many people walked in together, they might simply ask: Two? dos Some popular restaurants expect you to have a reservation before you come. In that case, the hostess might ask: Do you have a reservation? Tienen una reserva? If the place is really busy, you might have to wait. They'll say: It's going to be about a 15-minute wait. habr unos 15 minutos de espera If you decide to wait, they'll write your name on a list: Can you give your name please? Me puede dar su nombre por favor? And then, when it's your turn to sit: Mr. Taylor, your table is ready. Mr Taylor su mesa est lista
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The host or hostess will take you to your table with one of these phrases: Right this way. por aqu Follow me, please. sganme por favor If it's a nice restaurant, they may ask: Would you like me to take your jackets for you? Les gustara que me llevara sus abrigos?

Enjoy your meal. disfruten de la comida The waiter or waitress The waiter will usually start off by introducing him- or herself: Welcome to Tortovas. My name is Rebecca. Bienvenidos a Tortovas. Mi nombre es Antonia Depending on the atmosphere of the restaurant, they may try to make some small talk: How are you doing this evening? qu tal se encuentran esta noche? If the restaurant has daily specials, the server will tell you about them: Let me tell you about our specials today. We have a seafood spaghetti with a cheese or chicken with boiled potatoes and spinach. Les dir los especiales de la casa. Tenemos spaghettis de marisco con queso o pollo con patatas hervidas y espinacas. Then you're expected to order drinks: Can I get you something to drink? les puedo traer algo de beber?
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If you're not sure, the server will offer to come back again in a few minutes: Do you need a little time to decide? necesitan tiempo para pensarlo/decidirlo? They'll go around the table to each person, using phrases like these: And for you sir? y para usted seor? And for you miss? y para usted seora? What can I get for you? qu le puedo traer a usted? Then they'll leave: I'll be right back with your drinks. volver enseguida con sus bebidas When the waiter or waitress returns, he or she will ask you to order your food: Are you ready to order? estn listo para pedir? If the dish you order has a choice of side dishes, they'll offer to let you choose: That comes with either chips or a boiled potatoes. Which would you prefer? eso viene con patatas fritas o hervidas. Qu prefiere? If you ask for something, the server will say: Sure. Claro/seguro But if you ask for something that's not available, you'll hear: Oh, I'm sorry. We're all out of the salmon. Lo siento. Pero no nos queda salmn When the waiter or waitress brings you your food, they'll probably ask: Can I get you anything else? Les puedo traer algo ms?
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After you're finished eating everything, someone will come to collect your dishes: Would you like me to take that? quiere que me lleve esto? Then the server will come out to ask about your meal and offer dessert: How was everything? cmo estaba todo? Would you like the dessert menu? Les gustara la carta de postres? When you're finished with your meal, they'll offer to bring you the bill: I'll bring the bill right now. les traer la cuenta ahora mismo And sometimes there are questions about the bill: Would you like me to split it? les gustara que lo dividiera? Do you need any change? necesitan cambio?

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